Monday, May 18, 2009

The Dame Truth:Scroundrel Time Again?

Monday 8:00 PM EST

(347) 202-0569

"Is it Scoundrel Time Yet?"
Chris Hill
Gathering of Eagles
as he tells
"The Dame Truth"
about the VI Rally and its cancellation, future plans and veteran activisim in general!
As some of you may know, the June 13 rally for veterans had to be cancelled when its backers suddenly withdrew, citing fear of "the current political climate."
This is sad commentary on our country, its government and the private sector it appears to hold on a very short leash. Anyone who would withdraw funds previously offered to veterans out of fear of repercussion from the current administration is clearly in as sorry a state as the administration itself.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Is It Scoundrel Time Yet?

I received notice this morning from Chris Hill, Director of Operations for Gathering of Eagles that the Victory in Iraq Rally scheduled for 13 June in D.C. had been cancelled:
By Chris Hill 05/15/2009
It is with a heavy heart and more than a little anger that I must tell
you all that the VI Rally scheduled for 13 June in D.C. has been
cancelled. Our sponsors pulled out a couple weeks ago and though we
tried mightily to get others we have come up dry. It appears that the
money guys on our side of the argument are running scared from the
current political climate. The Park Service is going to pull our
permits for lack of resources; simply put, no portalets or EMT
services means no rally. I apologize for any inconvenience this
causes, but there's is simply nothing we can do.

We had commitments from Capt. Phillips of the Somali pirates event,
Marcus Luttrell USN SEAL (Lone Survivor), former Congressman Duncan
Hunter, Pat Dollard, various Blue and Gold Star family members, three
separate musical acts, a potential video up link to Iraq, the 9/11
chopper, dragsters painted to represent the different services and an
after party at the Hard Rock Cafe. Unfortunately, the hard work
expended to put this together, by a number of people will now be for
naught. Please don't let this discourage your efforts. It is all the
more important that we redouble our efforts concerning our heroes in
the desert. I hope you all understand how difficult it is for me to
send this message. Thank you for all your efforts.
Having made plans to cover it live onsite on The Dame Truth and with my partner and cohost drkate on Constitutional Radio, I was more than a little distressed to learn of this turn of events. Once again, it seems our Military is getting shorted on everything but combat time. I put a call in to Chris to learn more, and to confirm a guest spot on Monday's Dame and we got to talking about the kind of political climate in which any and every entity and individual must calculate their actions and retract offers of good works out of fear from government repercussion.

To begin with, let me make this crystal clear: these backers contacted Gathering of Eagles to offer financial assistance toward producing the June 13 rally. It was their intention to support our troops via the rally until they became aware that doing so could bode ill for them in the current political climate. Of course, my immediate response was, "Who Are These People?!" [ I wanted to organize a boycott of whatever corporate interests they represented]. However, it appears that they were private individuals, at least for the moment. Here is where it gets dicey: how DOES one go about seeking to right a wrong without making the situation worse? I have not yet been able to satisfactorily answer that question in this case but suffice to say, it niggles at me and I will NOT let it go until I have done all that I can to get to the bottom of it and shed the light of truth upon it.

So. These backers approached Gathering of Eagles. The Chairman flew down to meet with them and they asked him what he needed. Chris laid out the program for them and was effectively given a carte blanche until a short time ago, when they informed him that the funding would be withdrawn. Aside from that terse message, they had no more communication with GOE, refusing to answer emails and phone calls. And so, I'm wondering just WHAT they're afraid of. I mean, aside from the fact that
1) Yesterday the Administration said they' d seek to minimize benefits to corporate CEOs regardles of whether they received TARP benefits or not; and
2) I hear the word from Justice is that there's been some niggling in administration over nationalizing oil industry...

So, there we have it...for the moment. Oilmen are feeling antsy about being targeted by the Administration to the extent that they would pull funding for a rally for the troops. And this administration has the temerity to pose as a Constitutional entity??

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Round Up the Usual Suspects: Talk Rado...AGAIN??

Camille Paglia's piece today questions whether "The assassination jokes and "liberal" conspiracy theories on talk radio could be an ominous sign of things to come," invoking names like Knebel, Serling and Frankenheimer, [Seven Days in May , one of whose characters, General James Scott, says,
And if you want to talk about your oath of office, I'm here to tell you face to face, President Lyman, that you violated that oath when you stripped this country of its muscles - when you deliberately played upon the fear and fatigue of the people and told them they could remove that fear by the stroke of a pen. And then when this nation rejected you, lost faith in you, and began militantly to oppose you, you violated that oath by not resigning from office and turning the country over to someone who could represent the people of the United States],
Feherty, Limbaugh, and Sykes, and studiously avoiding names like Obama, Soetoro and Conyers with regard to her fears for our nation, suggesting that talk radio is undermining the authority and dignity of the presidency.

My answer to that is it is NOT talk radio that is undermining the authority and dignity of the presidency. That job has already been fullfilled, and then some, by the current residents of the White House with their grotesquely lavish slap-in-the-face-of-the-American-people-who-are-losing-everything parties, wantonly terrorizing New Yorkers with a dangerous, disrespectful, expensive and unnecessary flyover of lower Manhattan, bowing to a Saudi prince, insulting long time British allies, insisting that all references to Jesus be removed FROM A GEORGETOWN CHAPEL, laughing at inane, obscene comics like Wanda Sykes, passing bill after nefarious bill under cover of darkness, including but not limited to $20 Million for room, board and passage of Hamas to America, cooling toward Israel, and, in general, acting like the pathetically stupid, garish clowns that they are.

Oh, and did I mention the issue of refusing to provide ANY records of birth, education, work product, writing or otherwise usually freely offered by public officials to the American public?

Then, too there's that ACORN/White House Census thing, formerly a legislative purview, now commandeered by partisan thugs...

And, lest we forget under the tutelage of main stream media's constant stream of Kool Aid, there's that pesky list of criminal associations from Chicago and abroad, a Usurper's wife who asserts that she has never been proud of America, and a Usurper who refuses to participate in National Prayer Day...
As usual, THAT'S just the tip of the befouled iceberg that continues to glide over our country from DC and parts unknown.

DIGNITY??? AUTHORITY??? That ship sailed long ago, and whatever was left of its wake was promptly torpedoed by that gaggle of goons who have now seized Washington.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A World Gone Mad Into LaLa Land

800px-Gadsden_flag.svg I feel a rant coming started this morning with news from Hawaii, whose obdurately inane legislature has passed "Islam Day", just a few short years after the most horrendous attack on American soil, perpetrated by Muslims, occurred in New York. That, in itself, would be an outrage, were it not for the fact that Hawaii is one of THE MOST racist, intolerant states in the country, replete with rudeness and intimidation directed at anyone white, light eyed or light haired. [Bear in mind, now, that THIS is the state in which Barry Soetoro is purported to have spent several of his formative years]. See May 6th''s Logistics Monster AYFKM for first hand account on that one.

And now for the Worst of the Day. World Net Daily calls it "Shocking to the Conscience," a term once used in SCOTUS decisions to indicate...well...things so abominable that they...shock the conscience. Today's Conscience Banger is the new hate crime legislation passed by the House of Representatives wherein

"House of Representatives passed legislation last week to add sexual orientation and gender to the list of categories covered by federal "hate-crimes" laws. 'Pedophilia is one of the scores of sexual orientations that are included, that are protected, that are granted special preferred status under this legislation to the exclusion of other classifications of people,' says Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel".

Except that...illegal acts are NOT protected under the law, the Constitution or anything else. BECAUSE THEY ARE ILLEGAL. As the old saw states, our right to free expression does NOT include the right to yell "FIRE!" in a crowded theater because it is detrimental to the freedom of OTHERS. Ergo, anyone doing something against the law DOES NOT HAVE THE FREEDOM TO DO IT. THEY ARE NOT PROTECTED BECAUSE IT IS ILLEGAL AND VIOLATES THE EITHER THE SPIRIT OF OUR LAWS OR THE PERSONAL FREEDOM OF OTHERS. Hence, killing people and stealing their money, their innocence or their peace of mind are NOT protected actions.

Truly, we have a Congress of morons. Craven cretins who neither know the law nor the spirit of it, the intention behind it or anything else having to do with--dare I say it--Common Sense. This Congress, few to none of whose children are going to war, refused to include the protection of Veterans in this legislation, but they are entirely willing to protect the rights of those who would violate the rights of others. For what else is a pedophile if not one who is so cavalier and self absorbed that they would violate children?

I'm done. Stick a fork in me. There is no hope of reasoning with a Congress so uninterested in everything but their own full, life long pensions. Clearly they have either forgotten their World History class or never had it, or they would heed the lesson of the tumbrils and remember that cake thing with a healthy concern.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Constitutional Radio–Rally the Republic, Old & New!

Join drkate & Dame Central tonight at 10:00 PM EST
“Constitutional Radio”
The Wind Down and The Wind Up!
Winding Down: The first part of our series on the Constitution
11:00 PM EST
at our NEW Venue!!!
Winding Up: The Rest of the Story - What’s Next & Beyond!
Rally for the Republic: Ready, Aim, Teach!
Meet Ups, Rallies, Teach-Ins & More!!!
Cinco de Mayo : A celebration of Independence for All

Monday, May 4, 2009

Pamela Geller Tells The Dame Truth!

Mondays 8:00 PM EST

(347) 202-0569

"The Dame Truth"


Pamela Geller

Journalist, Atlas Shrugs founder, truth teller and champion of American patriotism and the U.S. Constitution

to discuss some of the most pressing socio- and geopolitical issues including economic disaster and the future of patriotism as it collides with the very real, yet for the most part unreported terrors caused by the creeping shadow of Jihadists.
She'll share news from Summit from which she has recently returned as a co host with Geert Wilders with a particular focus on the imminent threat to the loss of free speech at the hands of jihadists, misguided politicians and an uninformed public.

Monday night at 8:00 PM EST.

Call ins, questions and comments welcome!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Jeff Epstein Tells The Dame Truth!

Mondays 8:00 PM EST

(347) 202-0569

"The Dame Truth"
Join The Dame to Wcome
Jeff Epstein
A champion of American patriotism, Jeff is an intelligence analyst with close ties to the prevailing wisdom of the times and founded, an information portal dedicated to learning, speaking and writing the truth. His insights are both thought provoking and illuminating, and shatter the illusions main stream media and politicans have striven to maintain.
Monday night at 8:00 PM EST. Call ins with questions and comments welcome!

Friday, April 10, 2009

His Wonders to Behold: Redemption!

Blessings to all at the beginning of this universal holy weekend, which signals redemption, rebirth and new beginnings. Thus, a hat tip to Jeff Zeleny and, miracle of miracles, the New York Times, for suddenly and inexplicably printing some truth where Barry Soetoro is concerned. In his April 9 Washington Memo, Zeleny wastes no time getting to the meat of the matter in what is perhaps one of the most sagely salient columns he's written. Says he, "[Obama] is not a mortgage broker. But...[he] seemed to be playing one on television, urging Americans not to miss out on rock-bottom refinancing rates."
But wait--there's more. And, while it gets worse for the erstwhile Resident, it gets better for us, as we begin to catch a glimmer of--dare I invoke that heinous sham of a word--*hope* that at long last, one small voice in the endless parade of main stream media hucksters has not only seen the light [how could one not??!] but is willing to run against the tide with his pen.

While it is true that characterizing the Resident as TV Salesman is overly kind, indeed it's a start, for everything this creature does is an outrage and an embarrassment, not only to the American people, but to himself. From the utter arrogance and ignorance of returning a Churchill bust, which belonged NOT to HIM, but to the American People, to blubbering and babbling mindlessly when caught in the headlights of a malfunctioning teleprompter, to bowing and scraping to Islamic surrogates in the person of Saudi leaders, appearing on late night television like some third rate stand up comedian wherein he insulted, among others, those in the Special Olympics who have actually WORKED to ACHIEVE something, to associating with the dregs of society and employing many of them as his minions, to the weekly, wild, lavish parties filled with Kobe beef and god-knows-what-else, this "administration," in less than three months, has indeed accomplished more than any other American president: the complete and utter shaming of the office of POTUS and the bankrupting of the treasury.

Among the endless list of stellar abominations was the hiring of Lawrence Summers, a top economic adviser who received payments last year from firms over which he now has influence. Mr. Summers, one remembers, [or perhaps not] is the individual whose premise was that women are stupid, or at least, stupider than men, claiming that, "women are inferior to men in their ability to excel at math and science." One can only imagine that clamour that would have arisen had the infamous "Bell Curve" authors Herrnstein and Murray been appointed to serve, THEIR premise being that people of color can't help being stupid, they're just born that way.

And so it goes. A flicker of hope, coming, of all places, from the NY Times, proving that indeed, Redemption exists. On a higher note, many, many heartful thanks to Gold Star Mother Debbie Lee of for speedy response to my call through Steve Maloney for urgent troop support. Thanks to Debbie, half the request has been filled, and Sgt. Sanchez and his section will have what they need as they redeploy to the combat zone. Chris Hill, executive director of Gathering of Eagles has graciously offered to pick up the rest of the project and both will be appearing on "The Dame Truth" and "Kicking Back" in the near future. Stay tuned for updates, and tune in this Monday night at 8 EST to hear Dr. Orly Taitz speak on tomorrow's Studio City Tea Party, attended by my cohost Patriot Rose, and other breaking news.
Wishing Spring's Peace & Redemption to all~

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Into Tea Time

The warmth of the Spring sun toasts the patio stones to the temperature of a hot rocks massage, and I am blessed this day to be able to watch an old dog snooze on their warmth as I watch a puppy cavort in the grass. Yes, life goes on--amidst war and worry, terror and trial, here and abroad, we must all remember to savor these small spaces in time where life goes on as usual, and rejoice in the gifts it brings as we make ready our plans to speak out against that which threatens to bring us down. A great many thanks to the Usual Suspects--those bright bastions of light amidst the dark who grace and embrace us with fact, sort it from MSM fiction, and give us the kind of REAL hope that springs eternal in the hearts and minds of Americans near and far. Worldnet Daily, who reports Bob Basso's summons to the White House after his hugely successful, oft viewed Youtube "Thomas Paine" video came into their sights; who maintains an updated Tea Party site; Maggie's Notebook and Texas Darlin' , who have been diligent in reporting government surveillance on Bob Basso and Stephen Pidgeon, [our very own "Constitutional Radio's" guest this Tuesday, March 31 at 10:00 PM!] and others who dare to speak out, and of course, first, last and always, our inimitable Logistics Monster, who not only reports the truth the few knew, but also those who watch her, in the hope for a more transparent society all around! After all...Fair is Fair...and Those Who Watch must realize that Watching must be a two way street in a Democratic Republic. There are, in fact, so many hard working, patriotic Americans involved in the fight for their country now, both home and abroad that it would be impossible to include them all in one post--my blogroll is long, and though by no means exhaustive, a good place to start--but rest assured, no perusal of patriotism is complete without checking and supporting these fine sites: The Right Side of Life, Pat Dollard's growing coalition American Constitution and Capitalism Defense Front [ACCDF/ACTIVE] and radio show. And, too, the tireless efforts of Orly Taitz, Mario Apuzzo, Phil Berg and Teo at Just a word of caution to all: Keep those Tea Parties going, and beware gov't. efforts to keep them hidden, cancelled and unattended. MSM has yet to report any of the massive wave of these grassroots efforts that have been taking place around the country, and as organizers of the April 1 Tea Party in Cape Coral, FL learned, if "too many" people plan to attend, municipalities can cancel these events unless permits and insurance are purchased in advance. Cape Coral's event portended a turn out of more than 500 people and thus, authorities prevailed upon Lynn Rosko to obtain permit and insurance. But, we continue to forge ahead on our path of patriotism, to educate others and to make ourselves heard, and we must salute not only our troops and patriotic leaders, but, too, the thin ranks of main stream media who have the courage and conviction to speak out about that which is wrong: Michelle Malkin, Glenn Beck's 912 Project, know who you are--and a great big hat tip to you all! Happy Spring, Happy Tea Time and Happy Birthday Patriotism!

And, remember--our Founding Fathers were at once wily and wise--the perfect recipe for a nation of freedom!
"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with ower to endanger the public liberty. --John Adams

Hope you'll all join me tonight at 11 PM EST on "Kicking Back With Central" as I welcome founder, Teo Bear!


Thursday, March 26, 2009

We are SO Screwed...NOTTT

At 5:27 PM EST today, HR1388, S277 Serve America Act, National Service Programs bill has passed in the Senate with 78 ayes, 20 nays. Lady Liberty continues to sob as the Heavens rain down all manner of affront upon us. Things are happening so fast that few are able to comprehend the true nature of what has befallen us. Indeed, "Now is the time for all good men [and women] to come to the aid of their country." Stay tuned as people join Restore the Republic, ACCDF, The Patriotic Resistance at, and the Shantytowns swell past capacity across our sad and sorry nation. But WE ARE AMERICANS and we WILL survive to bring our country and our Constitution through this challenge safely! As redlemur suggests, fly that Gadsden flag in your yard, display that Constitution in your front window! [Both of which can be had with the click of the wrist by going to http:///!], start the conversations and the dialogs that get people involved and remind everyone that we are Americans and we are not going anywhere! As the Greeks said, "Molon Labe!"

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Newspeak or, How to Violate the 13th Amendment in One Easy Lesson

Unfortunately, our Lady of Liberty continues to weep and wring her hands, as the Senate continued debate on R1388=S3577=S277 or, to paraphrase Gertrude Stein, a sin by any other name is still a sin...
The infamous HR1388, passed by the House on March 18, is now under debate in the Senate, and, morphed as it is to hide both intent and content, has had its names changed and bundled to confuse everyone by sliding it forward under Ted Kennedy's original Americorp, under an altruistic sounding "Serve America" title.
Codename: Violation of the 13th Amendment, which states:
Article. XIII.

[Proposed 1865; Ratified 1865]Section. 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Clearly, even to those would would prefer to think otherwise, this abomination of a bill is not only unconstitutional, but the fact that The Powers That Be have attempted to bury it beneath layers of renamed clutter and a plethora of amendments, stands as testimony to the intent to deceive the public and abrogate the Constitution yet once more. While it has not yet passed in the Senate, a motion for cloture was passed, to stop debate and filibustering. Our Logistics Monster, Savante Extroadinaire, has been monitoring the process for us, and for further enlightenment, I refer readers to her at, where blow by blow updates continue.

I urge all to join us tonight at 8:30 PM EST on as I co host tonight to discuss this and other First Amendment horrors.

*Newspeak: In George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, the fictional language Newspeak attempts to influence thought by influencing the expressiveness of the English language.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Revolution '09

You say you want a revolution well you's all right.*

Glenn Beck's Project 912 show yesterday evening at 5 PM EST [rebroadcast tonight at 9 PM EST on FNC] drew huge audiences nationwide. I received calls from as far south as Hawaii and as far north as Canada, and the flood of email alerts, blogs and sites announcing it brought so many people to that within minutes, the site shut down and as of 1 AM EST, remains closed with the 403 notice displayed, along with the ominous "Forbidden" message.


You don't have permission to access / on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Apache/1.3.33 Server at Port 80
We who know little of the inner workings of bandwidth, traffic and server capacities were left to wonder whether, like so many other examples of recently scrubbed, shut down and removed material, the Beck site was also suppressed. Many are wondering how, amidst so much suppression and propagandizing, Beck's show even manages to stay on the air. Only time will tell whether Apache is able to correct the problem or whether the White House On Air [WHOA] suppression team is at it again. Given their recent activity with Wickipedia, Youtube, Google and some of the social networking sites, it is hard not to at least wonder whether indeed, they decided to crash Beck's site as well. However, absent proof, it is folly to jump to conclusions, even though the temptation is there . While we must be vigilant and proactive within our rights and laws, there is no reason to succumb to paranoia and panic. We are a nation of some 300 Million people--for the most part, hard working, law abiding, Americans who all want basically the same things: honest government, honest work for honest pay, respect for our Constitution and Bill of Rights and those who wrote and ratified them. While it continues to look as though government no longer has our best interests at heart, most of us believe that we will not allow ourselves to fall victim to a series of despots, private banking cabals, corporate special interests and self serving public officials.

It is both interesting and heartening to see so many of us harkening back to the times of our War for Independence from the Crown, invoking words and wisdom of our forefathers and taking heart from their courage. Now more than ever we seek and find resolve and motivation from their writings and as we see people like Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, ACTIVE, websites like Logistics Monster, Notoriously Conservative, Insight Analytical and Atlas Shrugs, and the plethora of patriotic, passionate Americans, committed to preserving and protecting our nation, we know that that Revolution was not fought in vain, and we shall continue to carry forward both word and deed of our forbears as we stand up for our Constitution. As some highly committed friends say, "Bring all the Clans together..." and take a minute to read and reflect some of words of the Truly Great:
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson

No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
Thomas Jefferson

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson
That to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical
Thomas Jefferson

*Lennon/McCartney 1968

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Where Never is Heard a Discouraging Word...Especially from Wiki

Suddenly it's everywhere--scrubbing bubbles of activity, hurtling through cyberspace, busily and frantically on the lookout for anything that might possibly smack of a Discouraging Word. The Google Twins & Sparkle Plenty led the charge last year during the *sudden* emergence of a usurper with NO traceable history between the ages of 10 and 47. Main scream media colluded and collided with Those Who Would Dare To Seek and Report Truth, and, since then, nary a word can be found containing any but the most mellifluous of fairy tales regarding the current Resident of the White House. And, the model continues.

With the help of countless, witless official pronouncements from, among others, a judge, a congressperson and other sundry souls, we are told that Twitter has decided the eligibility issue [Judge Robertson, brainfree zone extraordinaire], Snopes dot com, a left leaning husband and wife team working from a basement office has decided the eligibility issue according to Arizona's Sen. Jon Kyle-R; and, last but sadly not least, Senator Mel Martinez assures us that the voters have decided the eligibility issue, contrary to any mandates of our silly old, outdated Constitution. Is it any wonder that the movement to fire the entire Congress enjoys huge gains daily??

Between the fact that few, if any Americans [including, worst of all, apparently, most of Congress, judging by the mountain of inane, insane, erroneous replies to concerned constituents] these days have even the remotest idea as to what the Constitution says OR what it means, and the fact that there is clearly an all out attempt to eradicate any relevant facts about the Usurper or anyone else deemed to have messy, inexplicable gaps or otherwise nefarious acts in their history, it is a miracle that anyone has any information at all. And THAT is precisely the objective of Those Who Would Presume to Rule. If an informed electorate is requisite for a Democratic Republic to function effectively, what better way to thwart it than remove all information? The latest of these Thousand little Coups, as I call them, finds us at the site of Wikipedia, the latest of the "information arbiters" to fall under the auspices of the Obama Cleansing Machine. [Factcheck, Snopes and others have long since been exposed as Obama apologists].

As is required on that online encyclopedia, entries are to be substantiated by third-party media articles. One piece about the question of Obama's eligibility cited the Chicago Tribune and The entry was posted on Feb. 24, at 6:16 p.m. EST. Just three minutes later, it was removed by a Wikipedia administrator, claiming the posting violated the websites rules against "fringe" material. When the user tried to repost the entry a second time, another administrator removed it within minutes, banning the them from posting for three days.

Angela Beesley Starling, a Wikipedia spokesperson, explained to WND that all the website's encyclopedia content is monitored by users. She said the administrators who deleted the entries are volunteers.

"Administrators," Starling said, "are simply people who are trusted by the other community members to have access to some extra tools that allow them to delete pages and perform other tasks that help the encyclopedia. Wikipedia, the seventh most trafficked website on the Internet, maintains content monitored by users.

According to Worldnet Daily, a Google search for the words "Barack Obama" brings up the president's Wikipedia page in the top four choices, following two links to Obama's official websites. The entire Wikipedia entry on Obama seems to be heavily promotional toward the U.S. president. It contains nearly no criticism or controversy, including appropriate mention of important issues where relevant. The Wikipedia entry about former President George W. Bush, by contrast, is highly critical, mentioning his history of alcohol abuse, and questions of possible insider trading involving Harken.

And so it goes...but the Internet moves on, oblivious to these blatant, foolish attempts to violate our First Amendment Rights. *They* may have thought that Goebels's, Alinsky's and other models of fact suppression would work as they once did. They were wrong, however, for now we have the Internet--a wild, wild West of a thing, sprawling far beyond anyone's capacity to shut it down, suppress facts or control its usage. We can read, write and hear as many Discouraging Words as we please, thank you very much, and through those words, begin to decipher the facts about what is being perpetrated upon the American people and by whom...all the better to rectify! The tumbrils roll...


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"We're Surrounded...That Simplifies Our Problem."

Lieutenant General Lewis Burwell "Chesty" Puller, the most decorated Marine in history, spoke these words. His ability to simplify, reduce and articulate even the direst of situations into a workable solution is a power of example to all who now suffer the daily onslaught of shock, fear, disbelief, outrage and confusion wrought by American political and economic events of the last year. It is not enough to say, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." We need to know WHERE to go, and how; and what to do when we get there. We need to know how to harness our rage and indignation--you know, the kind of choleric, redfaced rage that sends steam from the ears, flames from the mouth, and sets off screeching red strobe lights behind the eyes...the kind that pumps cortisol into the bloodstream so fast that the heart takes on a life of its own, and the lungs do doubletime through flaring nostrils...the kind of rage that is fueled only by terrible fear and terrible injustice. Well, as General Puller said...this simplifies our problem. Acceptance is half the battle--and Action the other. Knowledge of the terrain, native population, resources and, most of all, one's opponent is crucial. Realizing that main stream media is neither a friend nor a resource in any positive way, and accepting the fact that hundreds of thousands if not millions of pleas to congress have fallen on deaf ears, we must learn to be our own source of information and supply. We must support and attend Tea Parties, join proactive groups like American Patriot, ACTIVE, We The People and WAM, learn how to prepare and plan for emergencies and find ways to remain centered above the fray of fear, rage and feelings of helplessness. For WE ARE AMERICANS: We have lived through winters at Valley Forge, stormed enemy strongholds considered impossible to breach, and sacrificed to keep our Constitution, our Freedoms and our Country intact. In the words of Ken Kesey, who wrote "Sometimes a Great Notion," "Never Give a Inch."

Monday, March 2, 2009

Get ACTIVE on "The Dame Truth"...and Never Forget the Facts

Lest anyone forget exactly what the current administration's promise to send 17,000 American troops into Afghanistan in the same speech as he speaks of Iraq draw down and 1% pay raises, it is vital to remember just what Afghanistan means: Real Clear Politics' Steve Chapman reminds us that

"Some countries exist for no apparent reason, but not Afghanistan. Its function in the world has long been clear: to show great pors the limits of their power.First it was the British, who in 1842, at the height of empire, were defeated and expelled. The Soviets invaded in 1979, only to encounter a fierce insurgency that forced their withdrawal. Now it's America's turn to marvel at Afghanistan's immunity to outside control.Afghanistan was once among our sterling military successes -- a war, predicted by skeptics to be a certain quagmire, that produced a swift and stunning victory. The triumph came in 2001, in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks mounted by al-Qaida, which had enjoyed a safe haven in this corner of South Asia.

But that was a long time ago, and the longer we stay, the worse things get. 2007, the deadliest year of the war for the American military, gave way to an even bloodier year 2008. Extremist attacks are on the rise, and the Taliban now has "a permanent presence in 72 percent of Afghanistan, up from 54 percent a year ago," says a report by the International Council on Security and Development.Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has predicted things will get worse this year. President Hamid Karzai's government is widely seen as weak and corrupt. And, not least important, Osama bin Laden is still [considered] at large and issuing taped calls for jihad.

Michael Yon, in his inimitable brilliance, tells us with detailed reports and incredible photos--six months before February 26th's Camp Le Jeune speech-- just where our troops are heading in his October 13, 2008 piece, "The Road to Hell." Having had unsatisfactory results embedding in American troops via main stream media, Michael self propelled into Afghanistan last fall on his own with two guides to cover much ground. What he learned should be well remembered. Today's Washington Post resonates his caveats in Pamela Constable's
"Tactical Success, Strategic Defeat": Afghan Outrage at U.S. Raid Highlights Challenges Facing New Military Push.

It seems almost as though, rather than reinstitute the Dreaded Draft, the government is working overtime [ LEAST they're working at SOMETHING--I mean BESIDES plundering the Treasury and the American People] to devise ways in which to sneak laws of compulsory service past us under the guise of 'civilian' works. Atheonews explains some of the plans at

And that's not even counting the ravages being perpetrated upon our economy at home!

And so the challenges continue both at home and abroad. Countless groups and coalitions have formed and grown stronger as increasing numbers of Americans rise up in rage at what their once trusted government has been perpetrating against them, their values, and their sense of justice and love of country.

Tonight, however, brings a special brand of patriot to the forefront in the person of Pat Dollard, former Hollywood talent agent turned film maker in his mission to report the truth about Iraq and our troops there. His courage is unprecedented, as, twice wounded, he stuck with the Marines he was covering, earning their undying respect for the job he did. He continues his journey in activism as he talks about the formation of his latest initiative, a PAC entitled ACTIVE, which stands for the American Constitution And Capitalism Defense Front. We hope you'll join us at "The Dame Truth" tonight at 11 PM EST on for an enlightening, inspiring visit with a true American hero.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Tea Party 2009

March 2009 burst forth this morning, grayly sombre, as befits the news on the home front. He Who Would Pretend To Lead spoke at Camp Le June, NC on Thursday, refusing to appear on stage until after the National Anthem and Invocation prayer had been completed, and spoke of raising troops' pay, draw down of American troops in Iraq, and buildup starting with 17,000, 10,000 of them Marines, in Afghanistan over coming months--all in the same speech. Troops interviewed post speech were strictly coached to keep the focus on themselves and their own opinions and refrain from attributing anything they had heard with the words, "Mr. Obama said...."

In the meantime, however, our country continues to stumble as it struggles, in shocked stupor, reeling from the blows smote upon it from the current resident of the White House in the face of the passing of unread HR1 and all its hidden earmarks. But, lest one doubt the resolve, intelligence and inventiveness of the American People, I remind you all that we are a hearty bunch, independent in nature, loving of country, family and friends, and have been known worldwide as a stalwart nation of committed patriots whose courage to fight for their country never wanes until victory is won. From the Boston Tea Party to the American Declaration of Independence, Wars of Revolution and of 1812, our Marines fighting their way up Iwo Jima, that a crucial airfield exist for long Pacific sorties, to Vietnam, won many times over with the courage of our troops, and the wars of the Middle East, we who call ourselves Americans never give up when the going gets tough, and never since our Revolution has it been more tough than it is now, in these United States.

Suffice to say, without reiteration, that these are truly the times that try our souls. For the first time since the mid 19th century, many states are asserting their individual sovereignty and rights under the 10th Amendment, while it is rumored that moves are being considered in Congress to block those very rights before more of them form resolutions. Our nation's people have suffered insult upon injury as their representatives in Congress meet their pleas with derision, dead ears or disinformation. And, is if that weren't enough, there are whispered though as yet unconfirmed rumors of secret agreements by our government to grant eminent domain as collateral to China for its debts, no longer payable. With the secretively passed Global Poverty Act, this administration as quadrupled our foreign aid while those at home lose jobs, homes and health care. Loving families can no longer keep their animals and must put them up for adoption and there is talk of Sharia law knocking at our doors as a man beheads his wife because she sued for divorce from his violence. Our Constitution continues to be breached and trampled as greedy civil servants forget their places and feed hungrily at the trough of money and power.

These are but few of the ills we suffer now, with no end in sight, and so, as always, the American Spirit of strengh and courage, and its sense of fairness and justice rise up once again to protect our country, its Constitution and its way of life.

In the words of "Network's" famously outraged Howard Beale, "WE'RE MAD AS HELL AND WE'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Americans have come together to stand up for themselves and their country and stand up to those who created this sad state of affairs, to wit:

Americans throw more than 40 tea parties
Citizens answer Rick Santelli's call, unite for nationwide protest

The list of nationwide participants in this glorious movement grows daily and, in addition to the more than 40 tea party events across the nation occurring in the last week of February, more and bigger are in the planning stage now, notably July 4th and September 11-14, 2009. Official sponsors of the events include Top Conservatives on Twitter, Smart Girl Politics, Don'tGo Movement, FreedomWorks and Americans for Prosperity. I close with links to reports and photos from yestday's ManhattanTea Party at City Hall Park from Bermanpost at wherein excellent commentary and advice can be found. Also, see yesterday's truthisgold post in which Michelle Malkin's blog and reports can be linked, and today's Logistics Monster, our vanguard in courage, knowledge and wisdom. In future I shall continue to report Tea party updates as we guide and support one another through our greatest constitutional challenge to date.

For direct link to NY photos, click here.