(347) 202-0569
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Dame Truth:Scroundrel Time Again?
Friday, May 15, 2009
Is It Scoundrel Time Yet?
I received notice this morning from Chris Hill, Director of Operations for Gathering of Eagles that the Victory in Iraq Rally scheduled for 13 June in D.C. had been cancelled:
Having made plans to cover it live onsite on The Dame Truth and with my partner and cohost drkate on Constitutional Radio, I was more than a little distressed to learn of this turn of events. Once again, it seems our Military is getting shorted on everything but combat time. I put a call in to Chris to learn more, and to confirm a guest spot on Monday's Dame and we got to talking about the kind of political climate in which any and every entity and individual must calculate their actions and retract offers of good works out of fear from government repercussion.By Chris Hill 05/15/2009It is with a heavy heart and more than a little anger that I must tell
you all that the VI Rally scheduled for 13 June in D.C. has been
cancelled. Our sponsors pulled out a couple weeks ago and though we
tried mightily to get others we have come up dry. It appears that the
money guys on our side of the argument are running scared from the
current political climate. The Park Service is going to pull our
permits for lack of resources; simply put, no portalets or EMT
services means no rally. I apologize for any inconvenience this
causes, but there's is simply nothing we can do.
We had commitments from Capt. Phillips of the Somali pirates event,
Marcus Luttrell USN SEAL (Lone Survivor), former Congressman Duncan
Hunter, Pat Dollard, various Blue and Gold Star family members, three
separate musical acts, a potential video up link to Iraq, the 9/11
chopper, dragsters painted to represent the different services and an
after party at the Hard Rock Cafe. Unfortunately, the hard work
expended to put this together, by a number of people will now be for
naught. Please don't let this discourage your efforts. It is all the
more important that we redouble our efforts concerning our heroes in
the desert. I hope you all understand how difficult it is for me to
send this message. Thank you for all your efforts.
To begin with, let me make this crystal clear: these backers contacted Gathering of Eagles to offer financial assistance toward producing the June 13 rally. It was their intention to support our troops via the rally until they became aware that doing so could bode ill for them in the current political climate. Of course, my immediate response was, "Who Are These People?!" [ I wanted to organize a boycott of whatever corporate interests they represented]. However, it appears that they were private individuals, at least for the moment. Here is where it gets dicey: how DOES one go about seeking to right a wrong without making the situation worse? I have not yet been able to satisfactorily answer that question in this case but suffice to say, it niggles at me and I will NOT let it go until I have done all that I can to get to the bottom of it and shed the light of truth upon it.
So. These backers approached Gathering of Eagles. The Chairman flew down to meet with them and they asked him what he needed. Chris laid out the program for them and was effectively given a carte blanche until a short time ago, when they informed him that the funding would be withdrawn. Aside from that terse message, they had no more communication with GOE, refusing to answer emails and phone calls. And so, I'm wondering just WHAT they're afraid of. I mean, aside from the fact that
1) Yesterday the Administration said they' d seek to minimize benefits to corporate CEOs regardles of whether they received TARP benefits or not; and2) I hear the word from Justice is that there's been some niggling in administration over nationalizing oil industry...
So, there we have it...for the moment. Oilmen are feeling antsy about being targeted by the Administration to the extent that they would pull funding for a rally for the troops. And this administration has the temerity to pose as a Constitutional entity??
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Round Up the Usual Suspects: Talk Rado...AGAIN??
And if you want to talk about your oath of office, I'm here to tell you face to face, President Lyman, that you violated that oath when you stripped this country of its muscles - when you deliberately played upon the fear and fatigue of the people and told them they could remove that fear by the stroke of a pen. And then when this nation rejected you, lost faith in you, and began militantly to oppose you, you violated that oath by not resigning from office and turning the country over to someone who could represent the people of the United States],
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A World Gone Mad Into LaLa Land
I feel a rant coming on...it started this morning with news from Hawaii, whose obdurately inane legislature has passed "Islam Day", just a few short years after the most horrendous attack on American soil, perpetrated by Muslims, occurred in New York. That, in itself, would be an outrage, were it not for the fact that Hawaii is one of THE MOST racist, intolerant states in the country, replete with rudeness and intimidation directed at anyone white, light eyed or light haired. [Bear in mind, now, that THIS is the state in which Barry Soetoro is purported to have spent several of his formative years]. See May 6th''s Logistics Monster AYFKM for first hand account on that one.
And now for the Worst of the Day. World Net Daily calls it "Shocking to the Conscience," a term once used in SCOTUS decisions to indicate...well...things so abominable that they...shock the conscience. Today's Conscience Banger is the new hate crime legislation passed by the House of Representatives wherein
"House of Representatives passed legislation last week to add sexual orientation and gender to the list of categories covered by federal "hate-crimes" laws. 'Pedophilia is one of the scores of sexual orientations that are included, that are protected, that are granted special preferred status under this legislation to the exclusion of other classifications of people,' says Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel".
Except that...illegal acts are NOT protected under the law, the Constitution or anything else. BECAUSE THEY ARE ILLEGAL. As the old saw states, our right to free expression does NOT include the right to yell "FIRE!" in a crowded theater because it is detrimental to the freedom of OTHERS. Ergo, anyone doing something against the law DOES NOT HAVE THE FREEDOM TO DO IT. THEY ARE NOT PROTECTED BECAUSE IT IS ILLEGAL AND VIOLATES THE EITHER THE SPIRIT OF OUR LAWS OR THE PERSONAL FREEDOM OF OTHERS. Hence, killing people and stealing their money, their innocence or their peace of mind are NOT protected actions.
Truly, we have a Congress of morons. Craven cretins who neither know the law nor the spirit of it, the intention behind it or anything else having to do with--dare I say it--Common Sense. This Congress, few to none of whose children are going to war, refused to include the protection of Veterans in this legislation, but they are entirely willing to protect the rights of those who would violate the rights of others. For what else is a pedophile if not one who is so cavalier and self absorbed that they would violate children?
I'm done. Stick a fork in me. There is no hope of reasoning with a Congress so uninterested in everything but their own full, life long pensions. Clearly they have either forgotten their World History class or never had it, or they would heed the lesson of the tumbrils and remember that cake thing with a healthy concern.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Constitutional Radio–Rally the Republic, Old & New!
Winding Down: The first part of our series on the Constitution
Monday, May 4, 2009
Pamela Geller Tells The Dame Truth!
Mondays 8:00 PM EST
(347) 202-0569
"The Dame Truth"
Pamela Geller