"In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the laws scrupulously. Our government is the potent omnipresent teacher. For good or ill, it teaches the whole people by its example."
--Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
Never were those words more applicable than today. Never have they been truer. We were once known as a nation of laws. Over the last several years, especially, our government's adherence to the values and the sacred documents of our nation has waned, drifting perilously close to the edge of oblivion as our Bill of Rights, Consitution and election laws have been whittled away in favor of granting increased power and secrecy to not only Federal government, but individual State governments as well.
Governor Blagojevich and his assistant John Harris have been arrested; Axelrod and Obama suddenly claim not to have had any dealings with either of them in spite of reports from several sources about meetings and phone calls between them in November and early December.
In the wake of the release of a 77 page Criminal Complaint, Chicago homicide detectives have requested the asssitance of Federal Prosecutor Fitzpatrick in obtaining phone records from Obama, Reverend Wright, Donald Young and others. Previous attempts to obtain these records in connection with the murder investigation of Donald Young were thwarted by the Chicago Police Department and Mayor Daley's office.
In recent years we have seen a massive breakdown in the willingness to abide by our laws in some sectors. Although the majority of Americans are law abiding, many more are not, and the question remains as to what could be the cause. Surely a government must abide by its own laws--not just SOME of the government abiding by SOME of the laws--but ALL of the government must abide by and uphold ALL of its laws in order to command the respect and loyalty of its citizens. In these times of media generated fear and global concerns it is all too easy to excuse governmental law breaking as an exigency in fending off terrorists. Witness FISA, and the issue of employing illegal spy tactics. Senator Schumer of NY voted against granting immunity to the communication corporations who broke the law in that regard; Obama, despite his assertions that he would "filibuster against [granting them immunity]" voted to grant that immunity anyway.
With turnabouts like this, is it any wonder that integrity, loyalty, honor, and respect for our words, deeds and laws has seen a downturn at the least and a drubbing at worst?
We were once a nation of laws, and to continue to be a nation at all, we must resolve to follow them--ALL must follow ALL laws, not just the ones we deem convenient, be we citizens or government.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Illinois Style Politics Go National: Hubris & Corruption Reaching New Highs Daily
"On November 10, Governor Blagojevich, his wife, Harris, Governor General Counsel, and other Washington-based advisors participated at different times in a two-hour phone call in which they allegedly discussed, among other things, a deal involving the SEIU. Harris said they could work out a deal with the union and the President-elect where SEIU could help the President-elect with Blagojevich’s appointment of Senate Candidate 1, while Blagojevich would obtain a position as the National Director of the Change to Win campaign and SEIU would get something favorable from the President-elect in the future."
At long last, Governor Blagojevich and his chief of staff, John Harris, were arrested early this morning on charges of conspiring to benefit financially from his role in appointing a U.S. senator to fill the vacancy left by Barack Obama's election as president, along with illegally threatening to withhold state assistance to Tribune Co., the owner of the Chicago Tribune, in the sale of Wrigley Field. In return for state assistance, Blagojevich allegedly wanted members of the paper's editorial board who had been critical of him fired.
Blagojevich also was charged with using his authority as governor in an attempt to press for campaign contributions, prosecutors said.
This, from the governor of Illinois, Obama's "home" state. It has long been known that, as one of the most corrupt states in the Union, few things happen without the blessing and the knowledge of its governor. To deny that Obama knows about this, an every other transgression is belies either ignorance or stupidity, and probably both. To assume that he knows nothing of this is tantamount to insanity.
In Mike Madden's piece in today's Salon dot com, he rudely [and oh so ignorantly] ridicules all those who realize that Obama has offered NOTHING to prove that he meets the eligibility requirements of the U.S. Constitution by being a NATURAL BORN U.S. CITIZEN, and derisively derides those at the press conference held yesterday at the National Press Club. As is usually the case with the uninformed, Mr. Madden embarrassed himself more than any of his targets, and all the ridicule in the world is no substitute for the absence of fact. The fact that Obama is clearly unable to meet the basic eligibility requirements, plus the fact that he arose from the mire of the infamous Illinois political machine lend even more credence to the fact that, along with sealed educational records from three colleges including his sources for tuition [aside from Khalid al Mansour and Percy Sutton], this is truly The Man From Nowhere, and as such, is not only ineligible to be POTUS, but is touched with poisoned fruit as well.
Tony Rezko has been convicted, just one of many in the endless parade of bad actors in this morality play gone wrong. One can only hope that the arrogance and hubris they share will bring them all down swiftly.
At long last, Governor Blagojevich and his chief of staff, John Harris, were arrested early this morning on charges of conspiring to benefit financially from his role in appointing a U.S. senator to fill the vacancy left by Barack Obama's election as president, along with illegally threatening to withhold state assistance to Tribune Co., the owner of the Chicago Tribune, in the sale of Wrigley Field. In return for state assistance, Blagojevich allegedly wanted members of the paper's editorial board who had been critical of him fired.
Blagojevich also was charged with using his authority as governor in an attempt to press for campaign contributions, prosecutors said.
This, from the governor of Illinois, Obama's "home" state. It has long been known that, as one of the most corrupt states in the Union, few things happen without the blessing and the knowledge of its governor. To deny that Obama knows about this, an every other transgression is belies either ignorance or stupidity, and probably both. To assume that he knows nothing of this is tantamount to insanity.
In Mike Madden's piece in today's Salon dot com, he rudely [and oh so ignorantly] ridicules all those who realize that Obama has offered NOTHING to prove that he meets the eligibility requirements of the U.S. Constitution by being a NATURAL BORN U.S. CITIZEN, and derisively derides those at the press conference held yesterday at the National Press Club. As is usually the case with the uninformed, Mr. Madden embarrassed himself more than any of his targets, and all the ridicule in the world is no substitute for the absence of fact. The fact that Obama is clearly unable to meet the basic eligibility requirements, plus the fact that he arose from the mire of the infamous Illinois political machine lend even more credence to the fact that, along with sealed educational records from three colleges including his sources for tuition [aside from Khalid al Mansour and Percy Sutton], this is truly The Man From Nowhere, and as such, is not only ineligible to be POTUS, but is touched with poisoned fruit as well.
Tony Rezko has been convicted, just one of many in the endless parade of bad actors in this morality play gone wrong. One can only hope that the arrogance and hubris they share will bring them all down swiftly.
Chicago Tribune,
Senate seat
Monday, December 8, 2008
Do the Right Thing. Please. Just Once.
Crossposted by request from Bob on Texas Darlin's site:
To the Most Honorable
Chief Justice John G. Roberts
Supreme Court of the United States
One First Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20543
Dear Chief Justice Roberts:
Although this letter is addressed to you, your Honor, it is in reality an open letter to all of the Honorable Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. And, my hope Sir is that you will make its content available to your esteemed colleagues on the Bench.
Ever since the founding of our great nation, from the signing of the Declaration of Independence, through tenuous and uncertain times at Valley Forge, Washington’s crossing of the Delaware, and thereafter to the final battle of Yorktown, our nation’s future and Liberty hung tenuously by a slender thread. Since those perilous times, we have faced together many other challenges to the existence of our freedom. We endured the war of 1812, the Civil War, two world wars, and most recently the attack on the two World Trade Centers in New York City.
That slender thread was and has always been, the courage and wisdom of the men in the breach of history, whose moral and mental compass turned their wills and their souls unerringly to the cause of liberty, and to the preservation of our nation and its Constitution.
Comes now into the breach in the year 2008, the Supreme Court of the United States. Our founding fathers knew that our nation could be lost by direct assault, or by subterfuge. And it was the latter case to which they addressed the Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution to direct all citizens to the diligence of electing only a “natural born” citizen of this country to be President.
This matter was of such import that they being men themselves born in another nation, excluded only themselves and men alive at the signing of the Constitution, leaving forever thereafter, that only men born of this nation according to the law, and men who preserved their citizenship status only to this nation would ever become President.
Whether the current and most recent candidate elected to that office would ever misdirect our nation or do harm is not the consideration. Whether he indeed meets the qualification of “natural born” citizenship, and has maintained only that citizenship in the United States, is the crucial issue that must be resolved.
If he could have readily clarified this matter and ended this contention, it would seem to honorable and respectful citizens that he should have already done so, as the matter has been brewing for several months. But alas, critical and numerous documents that might shed light on his qualification in this regard have been purposefully and carefully “Sealed” to prevent revelation to public knowledge.
The 300 million citizens of these United States deserve to know, beyond a reasonable doubt, that they have elected a man who indeed meets the Constitutional qualification requirements to become their President or otherwise as the case may be. This President needs that same stamp of approval of those same forefathers who signed the Constitution in order to serve honorably in this most high office.
Several separate cases have now come before the Supreme Court, and another just was denied in the Superior Court of California and has undoubtedly began its journey to your court. Unless this matter is resolved to the letter of the law and the Constitution, there can be no civil rest among the vastly growing number of those who have and those who will yet become aware that a growing shadow of doubt falls upon the qualification of our highest elected official.
Two clear courses, and two consequences lie before us. And the Supreme Court holds the charge and the key to resolution of this most crucial issue. The issue is historical, and critical because a most dangerous precedent can be set, by allowing a President to serve who does not meet the Constitutional requirement set forth by our founders.
Thereafter, any non-citizen could challenge that provision of “natural born” citizen in Article 1, Section 2, citing the already served term of office of one who did not quite meet that requirement.
It is apparent that other entities whose purview should have checked the qualification of the candidates for Constitutional criteria, have failed in their duty. And the matter has been allowed to continue unresolved to the point that multiple lawsuits have been filed, and more are likely to arise. Those entities that failed to verify citizenship of candidates for President must be properly brought to task and the error in their duty pointed out.
Either the matter is taken up and clearly resolved, and the Constitution is preserved, or We the People may look back in history upon a gaping hole burned in our Constitution in the year 2008 by the simple lack of due diligence.
Such a travesty it would be to our collective and everlasting shame, and would place our nation in new degrees of jeopardy.
So now, We the People turn to our highest court for Justice, and for resolution of truly a Constitutional crisis of historical significance. We trust your Honorable Court will not fail to recognize the importance of this matter and will stand with that long line of patriots and defenders of liberty to preserve and secure our nation’s future.
To this end I remain …
Very Respectfully and Sincerely Your Humble Servant,
Name withheld
To the Most Honorable
Chief Justice John G. Roberts
Supreme Court of the United States
One First Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20543
Dear Chief Justice Roberts:
Although this letter is addressed to you, your Honor, it is in reality an open letter to all of the Honorable Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. And, my hope Sir is that you will make its content available to your esteemed colleagues on the Bench.
Ever since the founding of our great nation, from the signing of the Declaration of Independence, through tenuous and uncertain times at Valley Forge, Washington’s crossing of the Delaware, and thereafter to the final battle of Yorktown, our nation’s future and Liberty hung tenuously by a slender thread. Since those perilous times, we have faced together many other challenges to the existence of our freedom. We endured the war of 1812, the Civil War, two world wars, and most recently the attack on the two World Trade Centers in New York City.
That slender thread was and has always been, the courage and wisdom of the men in the breach of history, whose moral and mental compass turned their wills and their souls unerringly to the cause of liberty, and to the preservation of our nation and its Constitution.
Comes now into the breach in the year 2008, the Supreme Court of the United States. Our founding fathers knew that our nation could be lost by direct assault, or by subterfuge. And it was the latter case to which they addressed the Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution to direct all citizens to the diligence of electing only a “natural born” citizen of this country to be President.
This matter was of such import that they being men themselves born in another nation, excluded only themselves and men alive at the signing of the Constitution, leaving forever thereafter, that only men born of this nation according to the law, and men who preserved their citizenship status only to this nation would ever become President.
Whether the current and most recent candidate elected to that office would ever misdirect our nation or do harm is not the consideration. Whether he indeed meets the qualification of “natural born” citizenship, and has maintained only that citizenship in the United States, is the crucial issue that must be resolved.
If he could have readily clarified this matter and ended this contention, it would seem to honorable and respectful citizens that he should have already done so, as the matter has been brewing for several months. But alas, critical and numerous documents that might shed light on his qualification in this regard have been purposefully and carefully “Sealed” to prevent revelation to public knowledge.
The 300 million citizens of these United States deserve to know, beyond a reasonable doubt, that they have elected a man who indeed meets the Constitutional qualification requirements to become their President or otherwise as the case may be. This President needs that same stamp of approval of those same forefathers who signed the Constitution in order to serve honorably in this most high office.
Several separate cases have now come before the Supreme Court, and another just was denied in the Superior Court of California and has undoubtedly began its journey to your court. Unless this matter is resolved to the letter of the law and the Constitution, there can be no civil rest among the vastly growing number of those who have and those who will yet become aware that a growing shadow of doubt falls upon the qualification of our highest elected official.
Two clear courses, and two consequences lie before us. And the Supreme Court holds the charge and the key to resolution of this most crucial issue. The issue is historical, and critical because a most dangerous precedent can be set, by allowing a President to serve who does not meet the Constitutional requirement set forth by our founders.
Thereafter, any non-citizen could challenge that provision of “natural born” citizen in Article 1, Section 2, citing the already served term of office of one who did not quite meet that requirement.
It is apparent that other entities whose purview should have checked the qualification of the candidates for Constitutional criteria, have failed in their duty. And the matter has been allowed to continue unresolved to the point that multiple lawsuits have been filed, and more are likely to arise. Those entities that failed to verify citizenship of candidates for President must be properly brought to task and the error in their duty pointed out.
Either the matter is taken up and clearly resolved, and the Constitution is preserved, or We the People may look back in history upon a gaping hole burned in our Constitution in the year 2008 by the simple lack of due diligence.
Such a travesty it would be to our collective and everlasting shame, and would place our nation in new degrees of jeopardy.
So now, We the People turn to our highest court for Justice, and for resolution of truly a Constitutional crisis of historical significance. We trust your Honorable Court will not fail to recognize the importance of this matter and will stand with that long line of patriots and defenders of liberty to preserve and secure our nation’s future.
To this end I remain …
Very Respectfully and Sincerely Your Humble Servant,
Name withheld
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Papers Then and Now
From the Federalist Papers, a series of essays under the nome de plume Publius, supporting the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison in the 1780s to the Pentagon Papers, a top-secret Department of Defense history of the United States' political-military involvement in Vietnam, commissioned by Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara in 1967 and never intended for publication, two hundred years have passed.
Leaked to the public in 1971 and exposing the administration of U.S. President Richard M. Nixon, in contrast with the Federalist Papers, written for publication in support of a system of rules from which to govern a new nation, the Pentagon Papers, according to Daniel Ellsberg, the individual who eventually leaked them to NY Times reporter Neil Sheehan, "demonstrated unconstitutional behavior by a succession of presidents, the violation of their oath and the violation of the oath of every one of their subordinates" and stated that he had leaked the papers "in the hopes of getting the nation out of "a wrongful war."
In that two hundred years, our nation went from one seeking truth in government for and by the People to one seeking to hide the truth from them in secretly commissioned studies, never intended to reach the public eye. In the decades since the Vietnam War, the Pentagon Papers have receded into the dusty shelves of library history stacks as we continued to face an onslaught of growing deception at the hands of a government once lauded for its populist view. The protection of checks and balances informed by the founding fathers continued to erode, leaving more room than ever for abuse of power and spurning of the Constitution and those transgressions for which Nixon finally fell have continued-- agreements with Iran to hold hostages until after the Reagan election, Oliver North and the Iran Contra affair, the Weapons of Mass Destruction fable floated to gain approval for the Iraq invasion and subsequent violations of privacy and human rights under the auspices of Homeland Security concerns.
Despite these tragedies, we have continued to survive as a nation even as the current administration has lowered our standing in the eyes of the world and the economic meltdown continues to unravel and unnerve the very fabric of our everyday life. As Joe Biden and Colin Powell make dire predictions of imminent food and water shortages, we struggle to recover from what appears to be yet another stolen election, this time by an entity whose very origin remains for the most part unknown, and whose titular head is most certainly not even qualified to hold the office of POTUS by the standards enunciated by Article II Section I of the U.S. Constitution and elucidated in U.S. Code, Title 8,§ 1401.
Rather than restate the arguments and their citations here, interested readers can refer to the excellent essay containing documentation links, by drkate, published on the TD site.
In recent years, freedom of the press has become little more than license for media to promulgate untruths and suppress truths, further hobbling the electorate's ability to make sound decisions at the voting booth. Schools and even institutions of higher learning have so curtailed basic civics and Amerian history classes that fewer and fewer of the American public have even the slightest idea as to how the papers of our founding fathers worked to form the structure from which our system of government grew, have almost no idea how our voting processes should work, or even the contents of our Constitution and its amendments, the first ten comprising our Bill of Rights. As a result, through ignorance and bad information from media, we are faced with a candidate who is ineligible to hold the office of POTUS,and our nation now faces the worst consitutional crisis in our history aside from the 1861 secession of the Confederate states. Perhaps saddest of all is the fact that few Americans seem to realize this or even care. Pravda, long dismissed as Russia's cold war propaganda paper, has scooped the American media on this momentous news. Not because no one knew it, but because, in spite of the thousands of entreaties by concerned Americans, the American media refused to cover it or even mention it until Friday, December 5, and when they finally did, couched the reports in snide looks, rolling eyes and pronouncements that the nearly 20 lawsuits challenging this ineligible individual's attempt to seize the White House through fraud are little more than political ploys.
Mounds of paper have already been drawn and served, and mounds will continue. Over 60,000 letters had reached the Supreme Court by the December 5 conference which was convened to examine the merits of granting certiorari for the Donofrio, and many more will follow. Lawsuits continue to mount as those who hold our Constitution dear try to wrest its destruction from the hands of the enemy within. The vigil of work and prayer continue as we strive to save the blueprint of our Democracy.
For updates see http://naturalborncitizen.wordpress.com/ , http://drorly.blogspot.com/
To assist in the efforts, visit the links above or email RichardLawrenceMusic@gmail.com
Leaked to the public in 1971 and exposing the administration of U.S. President Richard M. Nixon, in contrast with the Federalist Papers, written for publication in support of a system of rules from which to govern a new nation, the Pentagon Papers, according to Daniel Ellsberg, the individual who eventually leaked them to NY Times reporter Neil Sheehan, "demonstrated unconstitutional behavior by a succession of presidents, the violation of their oath and the violation of the oath of every one of their subordinates" and stated that he had leaked the papers "in the hopes of getting the nation out of "a wrongful war."
In that two hundred years, our nation went from one seeking truth in government for and by the People to one seeking to hide the truth from them in secretly commissioned studies, never intended to reach the public eye. In the decades since the Vietnam War, the Pentagon Papers have receded into the dusty shelves of library history stacks as we continued to face an onslaught of growing deception at the hands of a government once lauded for its populist view. The protection of checks and balances informed by the founding fathers continued to erode, leaving more room than ever for abuse of power and spurning of the Constitution and those transgressions for which Nixon finally fell have continued-- agreements with Iran to hold hostages until after the Reagan election, Oliver North and the Iran Contra affair, the Weapons of Mass Destruction fable floated to gain approval for the Iraq invasion and subsequent violations of privacy and human rights under the auspices of Homeland Security concerns.
Despite these tragedies, we have continued to survive as a nation even as the current administration has lowered our standing in the eyes of the world and the economic meltdown continues to unravel and unnerve the very fabric of our everyday life. As Joe Biden and Colin Powell make dire predictions of imminent food and water shortages, we struggle to recover from what appears to be yet another stolen election, this time by an entity whose very origin remains for the most part unknown, and whose titular head is most certainly not even qualified to hold the office of POTUS by the standards enunciated by Article II Section I of the U.S. Constitution and elucidated in U.S. Code, Title 8,§ 1401.
Rather than restate the arguments and their citations here, interested readers can refer to the excellent essay containing documentation links, by drkate, published on the TD site.
In recent years, freedom of the press has become little more than license for media to promulgate untruths and suppress truths, further hobbling the electorate's ability to make sound decisions at the voting booth. Schools and even institutions of higher learning have so curtailed basic civics and Amerian history classes that fewer and fewer of the American public have even the slightest idea as to how the papers of our founding fathers worked to form the structure from which our system of government grew, have almost no idea how our voting processes should work, or even the contents of our Constitution and its amendments, the first ten comprising our Bill of Rights. As a result, through ignorance and bad information from media, we are faced with a candidate who is ineligible to hold the office of POTUS,and our nation now faces the worst consitutional crisis in our history aside from the 1861 secession of the Confederate states. Perhaps saddest of all is the fact that few Americans seem to realize this or even care. Pravda, long dismissed as Russia's cold war propaganda paper, has scooped the American media on this momentous news. Not because no one knew it, but because, in spite of the thousands of entreaties by concerned Americans, the American media refused to cover it or even mention it until Friday, December 5, and when they finally did, couched the reports in snide looks, rolling eyes and pronouncements that the nearly 20 lawsuits challenging this ineligible individual's attempt to seize the White House through fraud are little more than political ploys.
Mounds of paper have already been drawn and served, and mounds will continue. Over 60,000 letters had reached the Supreme Court by the December 5 conference which was convened to examine the merits of granting certiorari for the Donofrio, and many more will follow. Lawsuits continue to mount as those who hold our Constitution dear try to wrest its destruction from the hands of the enemy within. The vigil of work and prayer continue as we strive to save the blueprint of our Democracy.
For updates see http://naturalborncitizen.wordpress.com/ , http://drorly.blogspot.com/
To assist in the efforts, visit the links above or email RichardLawrenceMusic@gmail.com
Federalist Papers,
Pentagon Papers,
Friday, December 5, 2008
Who's Laughing Now...and it's NOT the U.S.
Today we devote all blog space to making the news about Obama's refusal [read: inability] to prove that he is a natural born American citizen, for indeed, he does NOT fall into that category and that is documented fact.
This needs to go out. Let the media know that they need to do the job the overseas media is doing. Seng to congress, everyone. The world laughs at us and so does Obama.
Send this to your congressman...the media...needs to go viral. Others do what US media doesn't.
“Obama sold the dream of hope and change so desperately wanted by the Americans. He pushed the greed button by promising to take from the rich to give to the poor. Every con man walking free or in jail is an articulate speaker. Who would give their trust to a man who could not use the right words to convince his targets to trust him? Articulate speaking is no way to judge or rate the integrity of a person.”
Even the Russian online newspaper Pravda featured a column about “the man with no visible past.”
A Google of Pravda, Obama, Citizenship, American Media provided this link so take your pick:
“Barry Sotero, AKA Barack Obama, along with the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission have successfully ignored a Federal Lawsuit asking him to produce a valid Birth Certificate,” the piece by Mark McGrew states. “When the time to respond to that lawsuit expired, under Federal Court Rules, they all admitted that he was not a citizen of The United States of America and deemed to have committed fraud. A normal man would have been found to have admitted he was not a U.S. citizen.”
While McGrew acknowledges Obama is praised for his way with words, he warns, “Every con man walking free or in jail is an articulate speaker. Who would give their trust to a man who could not use the right words to convince his targets to trust him? Articulate speaking is no way to judge or rate the integrity of a person.”
The writer said every con man sells a “dream,” pushes a “greed button,” stresses “urgency” – and it claims Americans fell for a con man.“Obama sold the dream of hope and change so desperately wanted by the Americans. He pushed the greed button by promising to take from the rich to give to the poor. And he stressed urgency by himself and his wife telling voters to vote early.”
McGrew explains that Obama’s “certificate of birth” is not a birth certificate, but a certification of live birth that any foreigner can acquire by applying for one in the state’s vital records department, regardless of where the baby was born.
Join more than 158,000 others in signing WND’s online petition calling for release of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and verifying beyond any shadow of a doubt his constitutional eligibility for office.
The column said Obama can easily put the issue to rest by producing the document, rather than spending thousands of dollars on attorneys to defy federal and state lawsuits.
“Barack Obama may just win his place in history as the greatest con man of all time,” the author said. “A hundred million people believed him and spent 600 million dollars to get him ‘elected’ to the highest office in America, without ever knowing if he is or is not eligible to even run as an American citizen. It is either amazing that he will pull it off or it is amazing that so many millions of people believed him.”
So far, major television networks and most mainstream newspapers are continuing to be silent on the matter. Some media outlets have begun reporting on the issue.
The Chicago Tribune published a news article about Robert L. Schultz, chairman of the We The People Foundation, after he ran a full-page ad in the newspaper demanding Obama produce documents proving he is eligible for office. However, the writer attempted to debunk Schultz’s claims paragraph by paragraph.
A Chicago Sun-Times columnist accused the We The People Foundation of having “money to throw away” for posting an “inflammatory ad” in the Chicago Tribune.
NBC Chicago’s website led its story with the following statement: “Critics continue to invest in ads to convince Americans that he is not one of theirs.”
Also, the Kansas City Star featured a news article claiming “legions of anti-Obama bloggers” have filed lawsuits claiming Obama is constitutionally ineligible to be president.
The Star’s story said “skeptics” believe there are several “co-conspirators” in the “tangled web of conspiracy and silence,” including election officials who put candidates’ name on ballots, judges who throw out lawsuits, mainstream media, Obama’s family and Hawaiian authorities.
Even AOL News’ blog featured a “Q&A with Obama birth certificate doubters,” while another entry accused the We The People Foundation of being part of “the cult of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.”
However, amid skeptical reports, the New American reported, “This story has gained credence, separating it from Internet rumors, because Obama has reputedly hired three law firms (firms, not lawyers) to make sure that no one gets access to his birth records in Hawaii or his college transcripts from Occidental College and Harvard.”
In the Pravda.ru piece written by Mark McGrew, I read something that was QUITE interesting! Are you ready for this?
But beyond all of that controversy, there is one subject in this man’s activities that is truly astounding: There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that his beloved grandmother actually died on the day before the election as his campaign said she did. He said he would attend her funeral “In a few days”. He never did. Then he said he would have a funeral for her around the end of the year. What kind of person keeps their grandmother’s body on ice for two months? What kind of a person would play on the death of his grandmother to win “the sympathy vote”? Where is the proof that she died when he said she did? Normally, we could simply learn from the local coroner of a well known person’s death. But the only public comment made by the Honolulu Medical Examiner, who acts as coroner in Honolulu, Hawaii was, “We didn’t work that case.”
Today the 9 Justices of the Supreme Court convene to discuss one of the 17 cases. A vigil in support of them waited on the Courthouse steps. Last night a national fasting and prayer initiative was held. People are holding circles of light, intention medidations, and writing and speaking to get out the truth. Daily, more people want to know what to do and join groups that are doing things to preserve and protect our nation of laws.
It occurs to me that the founders and their rag tag army in 1776 had neither the internet nor broadcast media and yet they got the word out and won the fight. Today we have both and it is far more difficult to suppress the truth in any real way. It may take a little longer without the assistance of main stream media, but they will ultimately find it very difficult to suppress an entire nation of individuals who cherish their freedom and our nation of laws.
We shall continue to watch, wait, write, speak and spread the truth. For country, its people, for ourselves, and for the world, who is watching.
This needs to go out. Let the media know that they need to do the job the overseas media is doing. Seng to congress, everyone. The world laughs at us and so does Obama.
Send this to your congressman...the media...needs to go viral. Others do what US media doesn't.
“Obama sold the dream of hope and change so desperately wanted by the Americans. He pushed the greed button by promising to take from the rich to give to the poor. Every con man walking free or in jail is an articulate speaker. Who would give their trust to a man who could not use the right words to convince his targets to trust him? Articulate speaking is no way to judge or rate the integrity of a person.”
Even the Russian online newspaper Pravda featured a column about “the man with no visible past.”
A Google of Pravda, Obama, Citizenship, American Media provided this link so take your pick:
“Barry Sotero, AKA Barack Obama, along with the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission have successfully ignored a Federal Lawsuit asking him to produce a valid Birth Certificate,” the piece by Mark McGrew states. “When the time to respond to that lawsuit expired, under Federal Court Rules, they all admitted that he was not a citizen of The United States of America and deemed to have committed fraud. A normal man would have been found to have admitted he was not a U.S. citizen.”
While McGrew acknowledges Obama is praised for his way with words, he warns, “Every con man walking free or in jail is an articulate speaker. Who would give their trust to a man who could not use the right words to convince his targets to trust him? Articulate speaking is no way to judge or rate the integrity of a person.”
The writer said every con man sells a “dream,” pushes a “greed button,” stresses “urgency” – and it claims Americans fell for a con man.“Obama sold the dream of hope and change so desperately wanted by the Americans. He pushed the greed button by promising to take from the rich to give to the poor. And he stressed urgency by himself and his wife telling voters to vote early.”
McGrew explains that Obama’s “certificate of birth” is not a birth certificate, but a certification of live birth that any foreigner can acquire by applying for one in the state’s vital records department, regardless of where the baby was born.
Join more than 158,000 others in signing WND’s online petition calling for release of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and verifying beyond any shadow of a doubt his constitutional eligibility for office.
The column said Obama can easily put the issue to rest by producing the document, rather than spending thousands of dollars on attorneys to defy federal and state lawsuits.
“Barack Obama may just win his place in history as the greatest con man of all time,” the author said. “A hundred million people believed him and spent 600 million dollars to get him ‘elected’ to the highest office in America, without ever knowing if he is or is not eligible to even run as an American citizen. It is either amazing that he will pull it off or it is amazing that so many millions of people believed him.”
So far, major television networks and most mainstream newspapers are continuing to be silent on the matter. Some media outlets have begun reporting on the issue.
The Chicago Tribune published a news article about Robert L. Schultz, chairman of the We The People Foundation, after he ran a full-page ad in the newspaper demanding Obama produce documents proving he is eligible for office. However, the writer attempted to debunk Schultz’s claims paragraph by paragraph.
A Chicago Sun-Times columnist accused the We The People Foundation of having “money to throw away” for posting an “inflammatory ad” in the Chicago Tribune.
NBC Chicago’s website led its story with the following statement: “Critics continue to invest in ads to convince Americans that he is not one of theirs.”
Also, the Kansas City Star featured a news article claiming “legions of anti-Obama bloggers” have filed lawsuits claiming Obama is constitutionally ineligible to be president.
The Star’s story said “skeptics” believe there are several “co-conspirators” in the “tangled web of conspiracy and silence,” including election officials who put candidates’ name on ballots, judges who throw out lawsuits, mainstream media, Obama’s family and Hawaiian authorities.
Even AOL News’ blog featured a “Q&A with Obama birth certificate doubters,” while another entry accused the We The People Foundation of being part of “the cult of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.”
However, amid skeptical reports, the New American reported, “This story has gained credence, separating it from Internet rumors, because Obama has reputedly hired three law firms (firms, not lawyers) to make sure that no one gets access to his birth records in Hawaii or his college transcripts from Occidental College and Harvard.”
In the Pravda.ru piece written by Mark McGrew, I read something that was QUITE interesting! Are you ready for this?
But beyond all of that controversy, there is one subject in this man’s activities that is truly astounding: There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that his beloved grandmother actually died on the day before the election as his campaign said she did. He said he would attend her funeral “In a few days”. He never did. Then he said he would have a funeral for her around the end of the year. What kind of person keeps their grandmother’s body on ice for two months? What kind of a person would play on the death of his grandmother to win “the sympathy vote”? Where is the proof that she died when he said she did? Normally, we could simply learn from the local coroner of a well known person’s death. But the only public comment made by the Honolulu Medical Examiner, who acts as coroner in Honolulu, Hawaii was, “We didn’t work that case.”
Today the 9 Justices of the Supreme Court convene to discuss one of the 17 cases. A vigil in support of them waited on the Courthouse steps. Last night a national fasting and prayer initiative was held. People are holding circles of light, intention medidations, and writing and speaking to get out the truth. Daily, more people want to know what to do and join groups that are doing things to preserve and protect our nation of laws.
It occurs to me that the founders and their rag tag army in 1776 had neither the internet nor broadcast media and yet they got the word out and won the fight. Today we have both and it is far more difficult to suppress the truth in any real way. It may take a little longer without the assistance of main stream media, but they will ultimately find it very difficult to suppress an entire nation of individuals who cherish their freedom and our nation of laws.
We shall continue to watch, wait, write, speak and spread the truth. For country, its people, for ourselves, and for the world, who is watching.
Who's Laughing Now...and it's NOT the U.S.
Today we devote all blog space to making the news about Obama's refusal [read: inability] to prove that he is a natural born American citizen, for indeed, he does NOT fall into that category and that is documented fact.
This needs to go out. Let the media know that they need to do the job the overseas media is doing. Seng to congress, everyone. The world laughs at us and so does Obama.
Send this to your congressman...the media...needs to go viral. Others do what US media doesn't.
“Obama sold the dream of hope and change so desperately wanted by the Americans. He pushed the greed button by promising to take from the rich to give to the poor. Every con man walking free or in jail is an articulate speaker. Who would give their trust to a man who could not use the right words to convince his targets to trust him? Articulate speaking is no way to judge or rate the integrity of a person.”
Even the Russian online newspaper Pravda featured a column about “the man with no visible past.”
A Google of Pravda, Obama, Citizenship, American Media provided this link so take your pick:
“Barry Sotero, AKA Barack Obama, along with the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission have successfully ignored a Federal Lawsuit asking him to produce a valid Birth Certificate,” the piece by Mark McGrew states. “When the time to respond to that lawsuit expired, under Federal Court Rules, they all admitted that he was not a citizen of The United States of America and deemed to have committed fraud. A normal man would have been found to have admitted he was not a U.S. citizen.”
While McGrew acknowledges Obama is praised for his way with words, he warns, “Every con man walking free or in jail is an articulate speaker. Who would give their trust to a man who could not use the right words to convince his targets to trust him? Articulate speaking is no way to judge or rate the integrity of a person.”
The writer said every con man sells a “dream,” pushes a “greed button,” stresses “urgency” – and it claims Americans fell for a con man.“Obama sold the dream of hope and change so desperately wanted by the Americans. He pushed the greed button by promising to take from the rich to give to the poor. And he stressed urgency by himself and his wife telling voters to vote early.”
McGrew explains that Obama’s “certificate of birth” is not a birth certificate, but a certification of live birth that any foreigner can acquire by applying for one in the state’s vital records department, regardless of where the baby was born.
Join more than 158,000 others in signing WND’s online petition calling for release of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and verifying beyond any shadow of a doubt his constitutional eligibility for office.
The column said Obama can easily put the issue to rest by producing the document, rather than spending thousands of dollars on attorneys to defy federal and state lawsuits.
“Barack Obama may just win his place in history as the greatest con man of all time,” the author said. “A hundred million people believed him and spent 600 million dollars to get him ‘elected’ to the highest office in America, without ever knowing if he is or is not eligible to even run as an American citizen. It is either amazing that he will pull it off or it is amazing that so many millions of people believed him.”
So far, major television networks and most mainstream newspapers are continuing to be silent on the matter. Some media outlets have begun reporting on the issue.
The Chicago Tribune published a news article about Robert L. Schultz, chairman of the We The People Foundation, after he ran a full-page ad in the newspaper demanding Obama produce documents proving he is eligible for office. However, the writer attempted to debunk Schultz’s claims paragraph by paragraph.
A Chicago Sun-Times columnist accused the We The People Foundation of having “money to throw away” for posting an “inflammatory ad” in the Chicago Tribune.
NBC Chicago’s website led its story with the following statement: “Critics continue to invest in ads to convince Americans that he is not one of theirs.”
Also, the Kansas City Star featured a news article claiming “legions of anti-Obama bloggers” have filed lawsuits claiming Obama is constitutionally ineligible to be president.
The Star’s story said “skeptics” believe there are several “co-conspirators” in the “tangled web of conspiracy and silence,” including election officials who put candidates’ name on ballots, judges who throw out lawsuits, mainstream media, Obama’s family and Hawaiian authorities.
Even AOL News’ blog featured a “Q&A with Obama birth certificate doubters,” while another entry accused the We The People Foundation of being part of “the cult of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.”
However, amid skeptical reports, the New American reported, “This story has gained credence, separating it from Internet rumors, because Obama has reputedly hired three law firms (firms, not lawyers) to make sure that no one gets access to his birth records in Hawaii or his college transcripts from Occidental College and Harvard.”
In the Pravda.ru piece written by Mark McGrew, I read something that was QUITE interesting! Are you ready for this?
But beyond all of that controversy, there is one subject in this man’s activities that is truly astounding: There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that his beloved grandmother actually died on the day before the election as his campaign said she did. He said he would attend her funeral “In a few days”. He never did. Then he said he would have a funeral for her around the end of the year. What kind of person keeps their grandmother’s body on ice for two months? What kind of a person would play on the death of his grandmother to win “the sympathy vote”? Where is the proof that she died when he said she did? Normally, we could simply learn from the local coroner of a well known person’s death. But the only public comment made by the Honolulu Medical Examiner, who acts as coroner in Honolulu, Hawaii was, “We didn’t work that case.”
Today the 9 Justices of the Supreme Court convene to discuss one of the 17 cases. A vigil in support of them waited on the Courthouse steps. Last night a national fasting and prayer initiative was held. People are holding circles of light, intention meditations, and writing and speaking to get out the truth. Daily, more people want to know what to do and join groups that are doing things to preserve and protect our nation of laws.
It occurs to me that the founders and their rag tag army in 1776 had neither the internet nor broadcast media and yet they got the word out and won the fight. Today we have both and it is far more difficult to suppress the truth in any real way. It may take a little longer without the assistance of main stream media, but they will ultimately find it very difficult to suppress an entire nation of individuals who cherish their freedom and our nation of laws.
We shall continue to watch, wait, write, speak and spread the truth. For country, its people, for ourselves, and for the world, who is watching.
This needs to go out. Let the media know that they need to do the job the overseas media is doing. Seng to congress, everyone. The world laughs at us and so does Obama.
Send this to your congressman...the media...needs to go viral. Others do what US media doesn't.
“Obama sold the dream of hope and change so desperately wanted by the Americans. He pushed the greed button by promising to take from the rich to give to the poor. Every con man walking free or in jail is an articulate speaker. Who would give their trust to a man who could not use the right words to convince his targets to trust him? Articulate speaking is no way to judge or rate the integrity of a person.”
Even the Russian online newspaper Pravda featured a column about “the man with no visible past.”
A Google of Pravda, Obama, Citizenship, American Media provided this link so take your pick:
“Barry Sotero, AKA Barack Obama, along with the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission have successfully ignored a Federal Lawsuit asking him to produce a valid Birth Certificate,” the piece by Mark McGrew states. “When the time to respond to that lawsuit expired, under Federal Court Rules, they all admitted that he was not a citizen of The United States of America and deemed to have committed fraud. A normal man would have been found to have admitted he was not a U.S. citizen.”
While McGrew acknowledges Obama is praised for his way with words, he warns, “Every con man walking free or in jail is an articulate speaker. Who would give their trust to a man who could not use the right words to convince his targets to trust him? Articulate speaking is no way to judge or rate the integrity of a person.”
The writer said every con man sells a “dream,” pushes a “greed button,” stresses “urgency” – and it claims Americans fell for a con man.“Obama sold the dream of hope and change so desperately wanted by the Americans. He pushed the greed button by promising to take from the rich to give to the poor. And he stressed urgency by himself and his wife telling voters to vote early.”
McGrew explains that Obama’s “certificate of birth” is not a birth certificate, but a certification of live birth that any foreigner can acquire by applying for one in the state’s vital records department, regardless of where the baby was born.
Join more than 158,000 others in signing WND’s online petition calling for release of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and verifying beyond any shadow of a doubt his constitutional eligibility for office.
The column said Obama can easily put the issue to rest by producing the document, rather than spending thousands of dollars on attorneys to defy federal and state lawsuits.
“Barack Obama may just win his place in history as the greatest con man of all time,” the author said. “A hundred million people believed him and spent 600 million dollars to get him ‘elected’ to the highest office in America, without ever knowing if he is or is not eligible to even run as an American citizen. It is either amazing that he will pull it off or it is amazing that so many millions of people believed him.”
So far, major television networks and most mainstream newspapers are continuing to be silent on the matter. Some media outlets have begun reporting on the issue.
The Chicago Tribune published a news article about Robert L. Schultz, chairman of the We The People Foundation, after he ran a full-page ad in the newspaper demanding Obama produce documents proving he is eligible for office. However, the writer attempted to debunk Schultz’s claims paragraph by paragraph.
A Chicago Sun-Times columnist accused the We The People Foundation of having “money to throw away” for posting an “inflammatory ad” in the Chicago Tribune.
NBC Chicago’s website led its story with the following statement: “Critics continue to invest in ads to convince Americans that he is not one of theirs.”
Also, the Kansas City Star featured a news article claiming “legions of anti-Obama bloggers” have filed lawsuits claiming Obama is constitutionally ineligible to be president.
The Star’s story said “skeptics” believe there are several “co-conspirators” in the “tangled web of conspiracy and silence,” including election officials who put candidates’ name on ballots, judges who throw out lawsuits, mainstream media, Obama’s family and Hawaiian authorities.
Even AOL News’ blog featured a “Q&A with Obama birth certificate doubters,” while another entry accused the We The People Foundation of being part of “the cult of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.”
However, amid skeptical reports, the New American reported, “This story has gained credence, separating it from Internet rumors, because Obama has reputedly hired three law firms (firms, not lawyers) to make sure that no one gets access to his birth records in Hawaii or his college transcripts from Occidental College and Harvard.”
In the Pravda.ru piece written by Mark McGrew, I read something that was QUITE interesting! Are you ready for this?
But beyond all of that controversy, there is one subject in this man’s activities that is truly astounding: There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that his beloved grandmother actually died on the day before the election as his campaign said she did. He said he would attend her funeral “In a few days”. He never did. Then he said he would have a funeral for her around the end of the year. What kind of person keeps their grandmother’s body on ice for two months? What kind of a person would play on the death of his grandmother to win “the sympathy vote”? Where is the proof that she died when he said she did? Normally, we could simply learn from the local coroner of a well known person’s death. But the only public comment made by the Honolulu Medical Examiner, who acts as coroner in Honolulu, Hawaii was, “We didn’t work that case.”
Today the 9 Justices of the Supreme Court convene to discuss one of the 17 cases. A vigil in support of them waited on the Courthouse steps. Last night a national fasting and prayer initiative was held. People are holding circles of light, intention meditations, and writing and speaking to get out the truth. Daily, more people want to know what to do and join groups that are doing things to preserve and protect our nation of laws.
It occurs to me that the founders and their rag tag army in 1776 had neither the internet nor broadcast media and yet they got the word out and won the fight. Today we have both and it is far more difficult to suppress the truth in any real way. It may take a little longer without the assistance of main stream media, but they will ultimately find it very difficult to suppress an entire nation of individuals who cherish their freedom and our nation of laws.
We shall continue to watch, wait, write, speak and spread the truth. For country, its people, for ourselves, and for the world, who is watching.
Supreme Court
Thursday, December 4, 2008
A Call to Arms in a Tangled Web
"To restore... harmony,... to render us again one people acting as one nation should be the object of every man really a patriot." --Thomas Jefferson
URGENT! Volunteers needed! There is much to do and at present, we are engaged in a Constitutional Crisis. From all appearances, it is apparent that main stream media has singularly refused to cover some of the most significant news that has ever occurred in the United States of America: an attempt by an individual or individuals to install someone other than a natural born American citizen as the President of the United States, thereby violating Article II, Section I of the U.S. Constitution. The mass efforts of the well "organized" ACORN voter fraud scandal along with a bias from main stream media that would rival any Pravda edition from the 1950s have almost succeeded in lulling many Americans into a torpid state. Fortunately, there are millions of us who have seen what is happening first hand, and are fighting to restore our country to the nation of laws, freedom and democracy it once was. Check the links...take action...and never give up!
Listen to Andrea King's Radiopatriot on Blog Talk Radio,
For an idea of the severity of what is currently unfolding, see the word of J.D. Tucille, a civil liberties watchdog, by clicking the link.
And, finally, just in case you're unaware of what we're up against, read about Operation Mockingbird, unfortunately, very aptly titled, which was a CIA project of infiltration and feeding main stream media.
URGENT! Volunteers needed! There is much to do and at present, we are engaged in a Constitutional Crisis. From all appearances, it is apparent that main stream media has singularly refused to cover some of the most significant news that has ever occurred in the United States of America: an attempt by an individual or individuals to install someone other than a natural born American citizen as the President of the United States, thereby violating Article II, Section I of the U.S. Constitution. The mass efforts of the well "organized" ACORN voter fraud scandal along with a bias from main stream media that would rival any Pravda edition from the 1950s have almost succeeded in lulling many Americans into a torpid state. Fortunately, there are millions of us who have seen what is happening first hand, and are fighting to restore our country to the nation of laws, freedom and democracy it once was. Check the links...take action...and never give up!
Listen to Andrea King's Radiopatriot on Blog Talk Radio,
For an idea of the severity of what is currently unfolding, see the word of J.D. Tucille, a civil liberties watchdog, by clicking the link.
And, finally, just in case you're unaware of what we're up against, read about Operation Mockingbird, unfortunately, very aptly titled, which was a CIA project of infiltration and feeding main stream media.
Andrea King,
Freedom March,
J.D. Tucille,
U.S. Constitution
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Smoke, Mirrors and the Supreme Court: Truth & Justice For All?
Today brings us to the realization, still hidden by mainstream media, that no less than FIVE cases challenging Obama’s eligibility as a natural born citizen have now reached the Supreme Court of the United States.
I would like to thank all those who care enough to comment, research, file suit and continue to get the word out. Few people realize how crucial this issue is to our very survival as a nation of law based on our Constitution. The thought that this rogue and his handlers have come this close to seizing the White House is as incomprehensible as it is terrifying.
I applaud you all and urge you to work together for mainstream media exposure and reform with Media Blackout, Newsbuster and MediaPUMA.wordpress.com, STOP Big Media.com and all other media reform organizations. It is imperative that we take back our airwaves NOW, as the influence media have peddled to an unsuspecting public has nearly succeeded in eliminating all possibility of an informed electorate with bias, lies and omission. This being almost fully accomplished, our vote has been rendered meaningless. In order for this to change, main stream media must be taken to task, held accountable and exposed for the bought and sold propaganda machine it has become.
Count Us Out has an excellent comment and discussion on this issue, and, along with Orly Taitz’s [attorney for Alan Keyes] Natural Born Citizen site, http://drorly.blogspot.com/ Copy of Keyes’s petition can be viewed at http://www.soundinvestments.us/files/final_writ_keyes_v_bowen.pdf
Also see Philip Berg’s site at www.Obamacrimes.com . Mr. Berg’s case was the first to reach the U.S. Supreme Court and the deadline set for response by Respondent Obama was December 1, 2008.
Stay tuned, keep reading and sharing the knowledge because the corporatized media will not.
I would like to thank all those who care enough to comment, research, file suit and continue to get the word out. Few people realize how crucial this issue is to our very survival as a nation of law based on our Constitution. The thought that this rogue and his handlers have come this close to seizing the White House is as incomprehensible as it is terrifying.
I applaud you all and urge you to work together for mainstream media exposure and reform with Media Blackout, Newsbuster and MediaPUMA.wordpress.com, STOP Big Media.com and all other media reform organizations. It is imperative that we take back our airwaves NOW, as the influence media have peddled to an unsuspecting public has nearly succeeded in eliminating all possibility of an informed electorate with bias, lies and omission. This being almost fully accomplished, our vote has been rendered meaningless. In order for this to change, main stream media must be taken to task, held accountable and exposed for the bought and sold propaganda machine it has become.
Count Us Out has an excellent comment and discussion on this issue, and, along with Orly Taitz’s [attorney for Alan Keyes] Natural Born Citizen site, http://drorly.blogspot.com/ Copy of Keyes’s petition can be viewed at http://www.soundinvestments.us/files/final_writ_keyes_v_bowen.pdf
Also see Philip Berg’s site at www.Obamacrimes.com . Mr. Berg’s case was the first to reach the U.S. Supreme Court and the deadline set for response by Respondent Obama was December 1, 2008.
Stay tuned, keep reading and sharing the knowledge because the corporatized media will not.
Alan Keyes,
Count Us Out,
Natural Born Citizen,
Orly Taitz,
Phil Berg,
Supreme Court
Monday, December 1, 2008
Madame Secretary It Is...and We WILL Be Watching...
Today is the sweet half of the *bitter pill* we were forced to swallow when the person most qualified and winner of the most votes had the election stolen from her by a band of shady characters from Chicago and other places that still remain unknown.
As we predicted, Hillary Clinton has prevailed in the end: she has managed to accomplish what seemed like the impossible. She made the best choice for our nation under the circumstances and now has the most important role in the United States government. There is no one who could filled that role better, and she has carried herself with grace, dignity and strength throughout the bitter sexism of the compaign, risen above justifiable outrage, and shown us all how to win. There are those who felt that she should not accept any position in the Obama cabinet because he would have the power to fire her. I respectfully disagree with that position because we all know that HE needs HER FAR, FAR more than SHE needs HIM. As always, her skill, commitment and dedication tower far above those of most people, and most certainly far above anyone in that cabinet, including the POTUS designee.
As a New Yorker, I am selfishly disappointed that she will not be my Senator any longer, but my love of country makes me eternally grateful and glad that she is willing to serve our country. Like Hillary, I believe in County First, and I fully trust that she will be the best Secretary of State we have ever had.
However, a word to the wise: MediaPUMA will be watching...along with Media Blackout, Newsbusters, and all of the other media watchdog coalitions out there...we will watch, wait, and pounce on every single media transgression. We will NOT allow mainstream media any passes whatsoever in their coverage this time around. We WILL hold them accountable. We WILL blackout, boycott, protest and FULLY succeed in preventing them from pulling another hatchet job on Hillary Clinton, and every other woman who comes into the public eye. Gone are the luke warm days of NOW with their meaningless rules and their support only of women who agree with them; This is the era of The New Agenda, where ALL women, regardless of their personal beliefs, will be freed from the ravages of sexism and misogyny, and the Truth shall set us all free.
So, mainstream media...beware...be afraid...the MediaPUMAS are watching...
As we predicted, Hillary Clinton has prevailed in the end: she has managed to accomplish what seemed like the impossible. She made the best choice for our nation under the circumstances and now has the most important role in the United States government. There is no one who could filled that role better, and she has carried herself with grace, dignity and strength throughout the bitter sexism of the compaign, risen above justifiable outrage, and shown us all how to win. There are those who felt that she should not accept any position in the Obama cabinet because he would have the power to fire her. I respectfully disagree with that position because we all know that HE needs HER FAR, FAR more than SHE needs HIM. As always, her skill, commitment and dedication tower far above those of most people, and most certainly far above anyone in that cabinet, including the POTUS designee.
As a New Yorker, I am selfishly disappointed that she will not be my Senator any longer, but my love of country makes me eternally grateful and glad that she is willing to serve our country. Like Hillary, I believe in County First, and I fully trust that she will be the best Secretary of State we have ever had.
However, a word to the wise: MediaPUMA will be watching...along with Media Blackout, Newsbusters, and all of the other media watchdog coalitions out there...we will watch, wait, and pounce on every single media transgression. We will NOT allow mainstream media any passes whatsoever in their coverage this time around. We WILL hold them accountable. We WILL blackout, boycott, protest and FULLY succeed in preventing them from pulling another hatchet job on Hillary Clinton, and every other woman who comes into the public eye. Gone are the luke warm days of NOW with their meaningless rules and their support only of women who agree with them; This is the era of The New Agenda, where ALL women, regardless of their personal beliefs, will be freed from the ravages of sexism and misogyny, and the Truth shall set us all free.
So, mainstream media...beware...be afraid...the MediaPUMAS are watching...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Stating the Obvious: At Long Last…A Truth Slips In
After nearly a year of playing fast and loose with the facts about campaign fund sources, The LA Times has finally released a report stating the obvious. After nearly a year of PUMAs and other astute researchers trying to tell people that, contrary to the assertions of Obama and main stream media, "NO, Obama's *amazing* campaign money machine was NOT dominated by several million regular folks sending in hard-earned amounts under $200 but rather, Obama's base of small donors was almost exactly the same percent as George W. Bush's in 2004 -- Obama had 26% and the great Republican satan 25%. Obviously, this is unacceptable to current popular thinking. But the nonpartisan Campaign Finance Institute just issued a detailed study of Obama's donor base and its giving. And that's what the Institute found, to its own surprise. 'The myth is that money from small donors dominated Barack Obama's finances,' said CFI's executive director Michael Malbin, admitting that his organization also was fooled. 'The reality of Obama's fundraising was impressive, but the reality does not match the myth.'
Adding up the total contributions from the same small individuals (in terms of dollar amounts, not their height), the Institute discovered that rather than the 50+% commonly...reported throughout the campaign, only 26% of Obama's contributions through last August and only 24% through Oct. 15 came from people whose total donations added up to less than $200." http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2008/11/obama-money.html?cid=140869288#comments
Clearly, there is a severe problem when the truth only emerges AFTER a political campaign, and this has occurred time and time again: when it is too late for the truth to influence voters' decisions, main stream media releases it. This has got to change. The only way a democracy can exist is by having an informed electorate and as it stands now, media has completely preempted that possibility. The bias and propaganda emitted by media has now reached or even perhaps surpassed that of the old U.S.S.R.'s Pravda and Tass. Media have eroded its own credibility by discarding professional standards to the extent that most people go to the BBC or Al-Jazeera for objective content.
There are several groups working to restore credibility and professionalism to media in the United States, among them, Newswatch http://www.newswatch.org/Media_coverups.htm , Stop Big Media http://www.stopbigmedia.com/ , Media Blackout at Facebook and, of course, MediaPUMA here. Now that the 2008 election cycle has completed, we are regrouping and refocusing on efforts to reform main stream media, provide credible alternatives, and eradicate sexism.
"We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth... For my part, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it." --Patrick Henry
Please stay tuned and lend a hand!
Adding up the total contributions from the same small individuals (in terms of dollar amounts, not their height), the Institute discovered that rather than the 50+% commonly...reported throughout the campaign, only 26% of Obama's contributions through last August and only 24% through Oct. 15 came from people whose total donations added up to less than $200." http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2008/11/obama-money.html?cid=140869288#comments
Clearly, there is a severe problem when the truth only emerges AFTER a political campaign, and this has occurred time and time again: when it is too late for the truth to influence voters' decisions, main stream media releases it. This has got to change. The only way a democracy can exist is by having an informed electorate and as it stands now, media has completely preempted that possibility. The bias and propaganda emitted by media has now reached or even perhaps surpassed that of the old U.S.S.R.'s Pravda and Tass. Media have eroded its own credibility by discarding professional standards to the extent that most people go to the BBC or Al-Jazeera for objective content.
There are several groups working to restore credibility and professionalism to media in the United States, among them, Newswatch http://www.newswatch.org/Media_coverups.htm , Stop Big Media http://www.stopbigmedia.com/ , Media Blackout at Facebook and, of course, MediaPUMA here. Now that the 2008 election cycle has completed, we are regrouping and refocusing on efforts to reform main stream media, provide credible alternatives, and eradicate sexism.
"We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth... For my part, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it." --Patrick Henry
Please stay tuned and lend a hand!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Setting the Record Straight
This blog is devoted to setting the record straight; letting the media and people everywhere that we, the MediaPumas, have gone on record about our intention to work for media reform by insisting on accountability, adherence to basic journalistic standards and reporting fact and truth instead of lies and omissions. But it is not merely contemporary media that have perpetrated public relations fraud: from time immemorial, entities and individuals have gone about the business of co-opting the facts, stretching the truth or simply making it up to fit their own agenda. I offer this today, written by John Two-Hawks and crossposted here as tribute to the real America, the importance of truth and the Native American Heritage Act of 2008, which was signed into law in October of this year and will be observed for the first time on November 28, 2008 and every year thereafter.
Mistakes, Lies & Misconceptions About American Indian People: The Thanksgiving Myth
Let me begin by stating that thousands of years before the 'official'
Thanksgiving Day was proclaimed by Governor Winthrop of the
Massachussetts Bay Colony in 1637, North American Indigenous
people across the continent had celebrated seasons of Thanksgiving.
'Thanksgiving' is a very ancient concept to American Indian nations.
The big problem with the American Thanksgiving holiday is its false
association with American Indian people. The infamous 'Indians and
pilgrims' myth. It is good to celebrate Thanksgiving, to be thankful
for your blessings. It is not good to distort history, to falsely portray
the origin of this holiday and lie about the truth of its actual inception.
Here are some accurate historical facts about the true origin of this
American holiday that may interest you.........................................
'Thanksgiving' did not begin as a great loving relationship between the
pilgrims and the Wampanoag, Pequot and Narragansett people. In fact,
in October of 1621 when the 'pilgrim' survivors of their first winter in
Turtle Island sat down to share the first unofficial 'Thanksgiving' meal,
the Indians who were there were not even invited! There was no turkey,
squash, cranberry sauce or pumpkin pie. A few days before this alleged
feast took place, a company of 'pilgrims' led by Miles Standish actively
sought the head of a local Indian leader, and an 11 foot high wall was
erected around the entire Plymouth settlement for the very purpose of
keeping Indians out! Officially, the holiday we know as 'Thanksgiving'
actually came into existence in the year 1637. Governor Winthrop of the
Massachussetts Bay Colony proclaimed this first official day of Thanksgiving
and feasting to celebrate the return of the colony's men who had arrived
safely from what is now Mystic, Connecticut. They had gone there to
participate in the massacre of over 700 Pequot men, women and children,
and Mr. Winthrop decided to dedicate an official day of thanksgiving
complete with a feast to 'give thanks' for their great 'victory'....
As hard as it may be to conceive, this is the actual origin of our current
Thanksgiving Day holiday. Many American Indian people these days do
not observe this holiday, for obvious reasons. I see nothing wrong with
gathering with family to give thanks to our Creator for our blessings and
sharing a meal. I do, however, hope that Americans as a whole will one
day acknowledge the true origin of this holiday, and remember the pain,
loss, and agony of the Indigenous people who suffered at the hands of
the so-called 'pilgrims'. It is my hope that children's plays about 'the
first Thanksgiving', complete with Indians and pilgrims chumming at
the dinner table, will someday be a thing of the past. Why perpetuate
a lie? Let us face the truths of the past, and give thanks that we are
learning to love one another for the rich human diversity we share.
(Written by John Two-Hawks)
Again, this says much about human nature--both sides, light and dark--and the ease with which myth can supplant fact if we are not vigilant. This is nothing new. It is one of the vagaries of our darker side and our awareness of that is the first step toward recalibrating our standards for truth.
Mistakes, Lies & Misconceptions About American Indian People: The Thanksgiving Myth
Let me begin by stating that thousands of years before the 'official'
Thanksgiving Day was proclaimed by Governor Winthrop of the
Massachussetts Bay Colony in 1637, North American Indigenous
people across the continent had celebrated seasons of Thanksgiving.
'Thanksgiving' is a very ancient concept to American Indian nations.
The big problem with the American Thanksgiving holiday is its false
association with American Indian people. The infamous 'Indians and
pilgrims' myth. It is good to celebrate Thanksgiving, to be thankful
for your blessings. It is not good to distort history, to falsely portray
the origin of this holiday and lie about the truth of its actual inception.
Here are some accurate historical facts about the true origin of this
American holiday that may interest you.........................................
'Thanksgiving' did not begin as a great loving relationship between the
pilgrims and the Wampanoag, Pequot and Narragansett people. In fact,
in October of 1621 when the 'pilgrim' survivors of their first winter in
Turtle Island sat down to share the first unofficial 'Thanksgiving' meal,
the Indians who were there were not even invited! There was no turkey,
squash, cranberry sauce or pumpkin pie. A few days before this alleged
feast took place, a company of 'pilgrims' led by Miles Standish actively
sought the head of a local Indian leader, and an 11 foot high wall was
erected around the entire Plymouth settlement for the very purpose of
keeping Indians out! Officially, the holiday we know as 'Thanksgiving'
actually came into existence in the year 1637. Governor Winthrop of the
Massachussetts Bay Colony proclaimed this first official day of Thanksgiving
and feasting to celebrate the return of the colony's men who had arrived
safely from what is now Mystic, Connecticut. They had gone there to
participate in the massacre of over 700 Pequot men, women and children,
and Mr. Winthrop decided to dedicate an official day of thanksgiving
complete with a feast to 'give thanks' for their great 'victory'....
As hard as it may be to conceive, this is the actual origin of our current
Thanksgiving Day holiday. Many American Indian people these days do
not observe this holiday, for obvious reasons. I see nothing wrong with
gathering with family to give thanks to our Creator for our blessings and
sharing a meal. I do, however, hope that Americans as a whole will one
day acknowledge the true origin of this holiday, and remember the pain,
loss, and agony of the Indigenous people who suffered at the hands of
the so-called 'pilgrims'. It is my hope that children's plays about 'the
first Thanksgiving', complete with Indians and pilgrims chumming at
the dinner table, will someday be a thing of the past. Why perpetuate
a lie? Let us face the truths of the past, and give thanks that we are
learning to love one another for the rich human diversity we share.
(Written by John Two-Hawks)
Again, this says much about human nature--both sides, light and dark--and the ease with which myth can supplant fact if we are not vigilant. This is nothing new. It is one of the vagaries of our darker side and our awareness of that is the first step toward recalibrating our standards for truth.
John Two-Hawks,
Native American Heritage Day,
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Where is the Breaking News??!
No fewer than seventeen cases have been filed against Barack Obama etal, challenging him to prove that he is a NATURAL BORN AMERICAN CITIZEN, which is required by the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section l to serve as POTUS. This is history in the making: NEVER in the history of the United States of America has anyone ineligible to serve run for POTUS, thus never has suit been brought against any candidate. And yet--Philip Berg's case has been submitted to the United States Supreme Court, who has given Obama and his handlers until December 1, 2008 to respond, and not one news outlet has reported this incredible series of events! This is truly the most frightening thing of all: worse than being in violation of our Constitution, worse than going unpunished for perpetrating that violation is the fact that, despite countless contacts with main stream media by concerned and informed citizens, they steadfastly refused not only to address this historical issue, but also to respond to any of these requests.
What the outcome will be remains to be seen but in my view, the worst of the damage has already been done: it appears obvious that the American people have been defrauded not only by having an ineligible, unqualified candidate who has seized an election through voter fraud, but it has gone completely unreported by the media. There can be no democracy without an educated electorate, and for all intents and purposes, the American people have lost their ability to educate themselves about the truth on candidates.
There is much work to be done in the coming months and years in order to restore our system of democracy to its former self. Stay tuned to learn about what YOU can do to hold media accountable and restore the rights of the American voter.
What the outcome will be remains to be seen but in my view, the worst of the damage has already been done: it appears obvious that the American people have been defrauded not only by having an ineligible, unqualified candidate who has seized an election through voter fraud, but it has gone completely unreported by the media. There can be no democracy without an educated electorate, and for all intents and purposes, the American people have lost their ability to educate themselves about the truth on candidates.
There is much work to be done in the coming months and years in order to restore our system of democracy to its former self. Stay tuned to learn about what YOU can do to hold media accountable and restore the rights of the American voter.
Election fraud,
Supreme Court,
Monday, November 17, 2008
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