Monday, December 1, 2008

Madame Secretary It Is...and We WILL Be Watching...

Today is the sweet half of the *bitter pill* we were forced to swallow when the person most qualified and winner of the most votes had the election stolen from her by a band of shady characters from Chicago and other places that still remain unknown.

As we predicted, Hillary Clinton has prevailed in the end: she has managed to accomplish what seemed like the impossible. She made the best choice for our nation under the circumstances and now has the most important role in the United States government. There is no one who could filled that role better, and she has carried herself with grace, dignity and strength throughout the bitter sexism of the compaign, risen above justifiable outrage, and shown us all how to win. There are those who felt that she should not accept any position in the Obama cabinet because he would have the power to fire her. I respectfully disagree with that position because we all know that HE needs HER FAR, FAR more than SHE needs HIM. As always, her skill, commitment and dedication tower far above those of most people, and most certainly far above anyone in that cabinet, including the POTUS designee.

As a New Yorker, I am selfishly disappointed that she will not be my Senator any longer, but my love of country makes me eternally grateful and glad that she is willing to serve our country. Like Hillary, I believe in County First, and I fully trust that she will be the best Secretary of State we have ever had.

However, a word to the wise: MediaPUMA will be watching...along with Media Blackout, Newsbusters, and all of the other media watchdog coalitions out there...we will watch, wait, and pounce on every single media transgression. We will NOT allow mainstream media any passes whatsoever in their coverage this time around. We WILL hold them accountable. We WILL blackout, boycott, protest and FULLY succeed in preventing them from pulling another hatchet job on Hillary Clinton, and every other woman who comes into the public eye. Gone are the luke warm days of NOW with their meaningless rules and their support only of women who agree with them; This is the era of The New Agenda, where ALL women, regardless of their personal beliefs, will be freed from the ravages of sexism and misogyny, and the Truth shall set us all free.

So, mainstream afraid...the MediaPUMAS are watching...

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